The Witcher 2 - Thread

Love this game. just started playing and already wanting to play a second time on Hard with another build ;-)

Running at 50fps on a 570 with nearly everything enabled on graphics, if i enable Ubersampling though it crasses to 22fps and blurs and stutters. when it says high end systems, it really means it. (SLi or 580+)
Just got this from my bro because it's my birthday today!

Not had a chance to play but he got the premium edition too. :D
I mentioned in an earlier post that I couldn't get this to run properly on win764 as it lagged like a dog whereas it runs fin on XP32.
Discovered it's the Nvidia 3D driver installed with 275.33 ,
Different versions of the same driver on both systems but XP doesn't install the 3D part of it.
disabled 3D in the settings & it now runs properly.
I have a 3D monitor & glasses & it's normally permanently set with it enabled but obviously can't play this game in 3D unless a fix comes out

Quote from Nvidia:
A drop in performance with the game The Witcher 2 may be observed if the user has ever completed the NVIDIA 3D Vision Wizard, and persists even after disabling 3D Vision through the NVIDIA Control Panel. The apparent cause is that the game uses an incorrect API to check whether 3D Vision is activated with each frame.

A workaround which will fix performance when 3D Vision is disabled has been be provided by NVIDIA through the v275.33 graphics. Please download the latest display driver from our Software Downloads page at:

NVIDIA is also working with The Witcher 2 game developers to resolve the root issue when using 3D Vision. Please check back for new driver release information.
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I miss it already. Such a brilliant game.

I've two playthroughs on Hard, Roche and Ioverth path.

I got to chapter 2 on Insane but I got owned by a boss there * don't want to spoil it, but others should know it *

I haven't tried it since thanks to the steam sale and my monitor going crazy on me.
Just loaded it up - started playing, but had to turn motion blur off, it makes me feel sick and looks horrible. Also turned ubersampling off - everything else maxed out and it looks superb. Was great to be able to import my saves from the first, just wish I had gotten that special Witchers armour :(
Just loaded it up - started playing, but had to turn motion blur off, it makes me feel sick and looks horrible. Also turned ubersampling off - everything else maxed out and it looks superb. Was great to be able to import my saves from the first, just wish I had gotten that special Witchers armour :(

I turned off blur and that depth of field blur it does.
The game looks sharper and clearer then
I'm not sure i have ever liked DOF in any game tbh. I certainly always turn motion blur off. Does anyone actually prefer it on?
Why would some people love it and others not? is it down to hardware or purely personal preference?
I'm not sure i have ever liked DOF in any game tbh. I certainly always turn motion blur off. Does anyone actually prefer it on?
Why would some people love it and others not? is it down to hardware or purely personal preference?

Both I guess, some people like it and enjoy that their hardware can run it.
Other dislike it and either their hardware can run it and it can't anyway.

I really dislike it in most games.
I have never liked Motion Blur in any game i have played, especially the Mass Effect games and this. However, i think that The Witcher 2 is one of the few games that i have actually kept depth of field on, maybe Crysis 2 as well.
Playing on normal and finding it very difficult. Am about to get hold of the ballista, but the group guarding it are pretty tough. Trying to lure them around a corner away from the archers. Anyone got any tips?
Playing on normal and finding it very difficult. Am about to get hold of the ballista, but the group guarding it are pretty tough. Trying to lure them around a corner away from the archers. Anyone got any tips?

Use all your signs. Focus on weakest opponents first. Dodge and parry. Use all the tools Geralt has at his disposal.
Play it on easy, I started on normal & then thought what's the point of getting P'd off if you keep getting killed so I set it on easy & it makes the game more enjoyable, you can still get killed in the middle of a fight with several at once but not so often.
Have started using the "shield" type sign and have found it quite useful.

Have survived well so far, but may well end up on easy if the boss fights are as impossible as the first game.
Playing on normal and finding it very difficult.

The prologue is pretty tough compared to the rest of the game anyway (the early stages of chapter 1 possibly on par), as you're a low level and quite weak all round. Once you get a bit into chapter 1 and acquire more powerful swords and a good set of armour, the game will get progressively easier.
You should already have it (unless your game isn't updated). CDProjekt have released all of the DLC as part of the last couple of patches. Stuff like Herbalist's Gloves, Blue Stripes Combat Armor, Mage's Trousers, etc are all DLC items (there's also a DLC quest in chapter 1 called "Troll Trouble", which is posted on the inn notice board).
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