The Witcher 2 - Thread

got this ordered and should have it by friday, anyone kindly point me the direction of any relevant patches that need to be installed or will the dvd version auto patch once i install?

many thanks
Sadly i loved the first witcher but cannot for the life of me get into the 2nd one.

Mainly due to the combat. I know the combat in the witcher 2 is more smooth but I liked the ruggedness of witcher 1 combat. I have only managed to get upto the chapter 1 as I find the combat fiddly.
No one said it would be easy... from the start developers claimed that the game is going to be quite difficult for irregular gamers.
Have to admit I kind've got bored near the end of the 2nd act and have just this minute uninstalled it. I loved the first one, but something's missing for me this time. :(
Nearly broke my mouse battering the buttons trying to win the 3rd arm wrestle contest, seems it might depend on your mouse settings as to how fast it registers
I'm enjoying the game & it's running fine on win XP, the sword fighting is better than average & I rarely die but fist fighting in the set pieces such as the jail & hanging gallows is stupidly annoying. Quick split second flashes of which keys to hit & it's supposed to go in slomo whilst you press the button but before I can press the keys I get whalloped as the normal fight keys are deactivated & I rapidly die. Am I missing something here to make it easier ?

All you have to do is press w,a,s or d when it appears - and they appear for long enough that it's hard to get it wrong. Didn't lose any fist fights myself and thought they were rather pointless because of how unchallenging they were?

Nearly broke my mouse battering the buttons trying to win the 3rd arm wrestle contest, seems it might depend on your mouse settings as to how fast it registers

Hitting mouse buttons for arm wrestling? O_o You just move your mouse left and right to keep the circle centered on the bar as it gets smaller. No button smashing?
All you have to do is press w,a,s or d when it appears - and they appear for long enough that it's hard to get it wrong. Didn't lose any fist fights myself and thought they were rather pointless because of how unchallenging they were?

Hitting mouse buttons for arm wrestling? O_o You just move your mouse left and right to keep the circle centered on the bar as it gets smaller. No button smashing?

LOL, I just had a quick try & your right, I got the info off another forum where they were discussing how fast to tap the buttons :rolleyes:
Oh well, I did the first couple of wrestles following the circle & tapping the mouse & it does actually work that way but just sliding it makes all the difference :p
worth buying this game if i did not play teh first one?

Also, is this game like oblivion with a mix of old school final fantasy 7ish type storyline?

Im guessing you can level up? buy new weapons, gears? do magic? etc etc?
Whoa this game is amaizn, gf, story, eveything..played about 10 hrs straith last night.

And for those compalining controls...use a 360 a treat
worth buying this game if i did not play teh first one?

Also, is this game like oblivion with a mix of old school final fantasy 7ish type storyline?

Im guessing you can level up? buy new weapons, gears? do magic? etc etc?

It's not quite as free roaming as Oblivion as far as I remember altho in some areas you can wander off deep into the woods
You can level up, buy/sell stuff cast spells etc.

Get the Premium edition which comes in black box with extra content DVD, soundtrack DVD, 97 page game guide & big fold up map :D
£24.99 from Not sure what you get in the collectors edition at £99 :eek:
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