The Witcher 2 - Thread

By the way my game is running around 55-60 FPS where I previously left off in the monastery. 40 seems to be my minimum, and 60 max (I use Vsync forced on because it makes SLI smoother), but I cant alter the level of AA + AF somewhere inbetween the enabled and ubersampling options.

Both the lack of 16x10 support, and custom AA settings is :(

I cant find the forums for this game using google, does anyone have a link to them?
Finally got everything sorted, installed the beta nvidia drivers aaaaaaaaaaaaand the game is unplayable.

FPS drop ridiculously quickly, even on low.

Pretty disappointed so far.
I'm loving it so far - a few minor annoyances with regards to the mechanics of selecting things, but apart from that a big fan.
Finally got everything sorted, installed the beta nvidia drivers aaaaaaaaaaaaand the game is unplayable.

FPS drop ridiculously quickly, even on low.

Pretty disappointed so far.

What card are you using?

SLI GTX 560s with 270.61 drivers and my I7 920 @ 3.8 Ghz is smooth as silk with 40-60 FPS.

I'm going to downclock my graphics cards now, I only OCed them after playing the game with ubersampling, but it made my room too hot, even though they are a lot cooler than higher end cards :(
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By the way my game is running around 55-60 FPS where I previously left off in the monastery. 40 seems to be my minimum, and 60 max (I use Vsync forced on because it makes SLI smoother), but I cant alter the level of AA + AF somewhere inbetween the enabled and ubersampling options.

Both the lack of 16x10 support, and custom AA settings is :(

I cant find the forums for this game using google, does anyone have a link to them?

They changed the official website recently and took the forum off,smart move.They obviously knew they would need to patch the game on/shortly after release.
Ok got in and absolutely loving it.

Whilst the graphics are amazing, at times they bring my crossfire 5870's into the 18/19 FPS range. I find this slightly annoying as there are games that my machine will run that do look better, not to mention this is still using DX9.

Ubersampling is turned off, everything else maxed.
What card are you using?

SLI GTX 560s with 270.61 drivers and my I7 920 @ 3.8 Ghz is smooth as silk with 40-60 FPS.

I'm going to downclock my graphics cards now, I only OCed them after playing the game with ubersampling, but it made my room too hot, even though they are a lot cooler than higher end cards :(

GTX 280.
From the guru3d forums: 'Actually its a Known BUG in 270.61, if you have the 3D vision driver installed Witcher 2 will run at 7 to 10 FPS on ALL settings, tested this myself. Uninstall 3D Vision and it will work fine!'

I'm assuming the latest 275.27's work ok with the 3D Vision driver installed?
Is it even worth bothering with with a 5850?

When you've got people with £700 worth of graphics cards saying it isn't a solid 60fps you know it's time to check before you buy.
OK I'm getting messed up graphical glitches, tried high and med settings.

Printscreen doesn't capture though, how to I do a screen grab?
Nope. I have tried and tried to play this but I just can't get past the horrible combat system.

It doesn't detect keys, fails blocks, doesn't dodge, etc.
There is pauses before and after each action, especially signs
Parry is pointless because it stuns you too, I end up just rolling around all the time.
The targeting is clunky and the "group" style is totally missing despite always facing multiple enemies
It's a bit random if you do a quick "quick" strike or some crazy spinning jump right into the middle of everyone.

I clearly fail at this game :(
Nope. I have tried and tried to play this but I just can't get past the horrible combat system.

It doesn't detect keys, fails blocks, doesn't dodge, etc.
There is pauses before and after each action, especially signs
Parry is pointless because it stuns you too, I end up just rolling around all the time.
The targeting is clunky and the "group" style is totally missing despite always facing multiple enemies
It's a bit random if you do a quick "quick" strike or some crazy spinning jump right into the middle of everyone.

I clearly fail at this game :(

Parrying and blocking fails when you don't have enough stamina, I was getting annoyed with that too until I figured it out. You really need to read the manual for this game as I found out after much frustration.
For those using the 360 pad, is it possible to invert the analogue stick?

Taken from another forum : -

First of all, make sure you're editing the ini's in the Documents/Witcher 2/Config folder, NOT the game installation folder (this took me hours to figure out :<...)

Anyways, open the User.ini file under ...\Documents\Witcher 2\Config

check the KeyboardLayout= property, for most people it should be QWERTY. close the file without saving.

Assuming it is QWERTY, open the input_QWERTY.ini in the same folder, find the IK_Pad_RightAxisY=(GameKey="GI_AxisRightY",Value=1) and change the value to -1.


Save and exit. I tried this and it worked for me.
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