The Witcher 2 - Thread

Well thank you Avast, for breaking my game.

Just about to fire it up again after changing some graphic settings and Avast pops up, cleaning the witcher2.exe.

I have restored the file but no, its just hanging on the screen after the launcher.

Help anyone ?
Im on normal and Im ABSOLUTELY crap, ive died 6 times on just getting to the ballista. Lol. I gotta work out the combat, i get my ass handed to me.

I died more until I figured out how to dodge and block :D

Now its a lot easier, you need to figure out how to block with the E key, and dodge with double tapping a direction key.
Oh wow, I just noticed I have a big black bar at the top and bottom of my screen in 1920x1200 ....

This has happened before in other games and is a problem with my settings somewhere, Ibut I cant remember how to fix it :(

Neil's screenshots on the previous page also has black bars!
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Man i cannot remember how long it has been since i died this many times :(. Gonna stick at it and learn to dodge and attack and use magic more than witcher 1. Only managed to do 1 finisher move all day and i dont know how i did it :p

Hate to think how hard this game is on hard or insane settings because normal is kicking my ass :eek:
I have mixed feelings about this game. It still seems clunky and disjointed, I cannot seem to search bodies and it is difficult to isolate something to actually search. Just kind of point in the general direction. I have not got a clue about the keys as I did not get a printed manual and there is no mapping in the game.

I will persist.
I have mixed feelings about this game. It still seems clunky and disjointed, I cannot seem to search bodies and it is difficult to isolate something to actually search. Just kind of point in the general direction. I have not got a clue about the keys as I did not get a printed manual and there is no mapping in the game.

I will persist.

Pressing Z to activate your wolf pendant sometimes helps in locating dropped items.
I have mixed feelings about this game. It still seems clunky and disjointed, I cannot seem to search bodies and it is difficult to isolate something to actually search. Just kind of point in the general direction. I have not got a clue about the keys as I did not get a printed manual and there is no mapping in the game.

I will persist.

You dont search bodies I dont think, they drop loot bags.

I usually just pan the mouse around to find stuff to click on, but the manual says you can click on your medallion when it is glowing to find searchable things nearby.
(I also had the 0 as O trouble)

So far so Witcher. Definitly carrying on from where the first left off with some changes. Graphics are lush -even on medium settings on a 768mb gtx460- and the atmosphere and characters are still the same.

Not sure on the new fist fighting button timings (the old fist fighting is how the new swordfighting is and is superior although I guess it would be a bit samey if they kept it) and the new fighting style with multiple attackers can be hit and miss (I could just be crap at this stage - the ballista was a git getting to). Liking it so far and glad to be back in the world.

Edit: Anybody know what the english voiceover thing you can download does as its all in english voices anyway... At work now so cant check or play - laaaaaaame.
I barely noticed them (black lines). Cant see it being a problem unless you have a white monitor or a 17" screen. Just sort of blends in and wouldnt have seen it if someone hadnt mentioned it.

Lol at the PC elitist comment.

This is part of the reason I won't buy TW2. Because the developers are PC elitist trolls. If you watch their youtube videos, they literally are forum trolls.

I barely noticed them (black lines). Cant see it being a problem unless you have a white monitor or a 17" screen. Just sort of blends in and wouldnt have seen it if someone hadnt mentioned it.

Whats the point in me having bought a £325 1920x1200 monitor a few years ago if I have to play everything with black bars on my screen?

It is noticable to me. The lack of support for 16x10 resolutions in modern PC games is pretty annoying for people with such a monitor.
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