The Witcher 2 - Thread

I just completed it... 39 hours I spent on it, It might be more because im sure steam didnt record some of my playtime. All in all an epic game :)
Nice vid and visuals, the sound is excellent too the wind sounds great with that tinkling acoustic guitar/mandolin in the background and the crows squarking away, very atmospheric.

yeah. It is one of the most atmospheric immersive games ever. And fantastic RPG. All around GOTY !
Just finished my first playthrough myself and thought it's one the best game si've played in along time.

Going to start my 2nd playthrough in a few days probally, really want to see how things would have ended if i'd done things differently.
Hmm i have the troll dlc but i can seem to find the misson anywhere in game, i think i picked it up off the board before it downloaded when i got the nekker and others but it doesnt show on my quest log
I also picked it off the board before I downloaded the DLC also, however I could do the quest. I was running through the forest and found a guy standing above (not below at water level) the broken bridge, he started the quest for me. I'm guessing he's only there when you have the DLC as prior to him being there, there was just a bunch of nekkers. It's the same guy that is the small hut village outside Flotsam in one of the houses (Chorab is his name).
Murray i just started the first due to seeing how good this looks and well im glad i did the first one is very good so far im on Chapter 2 and feels like ive barely started lots of fun :D
Murray i just started the first due to seeing how good this looks and well im glad i did the first one is very good so far im on Chapter 2 and feels like ive barely started lots of fun :D

Yeah I am just into Chapter 2 starting to get more into it.

I found that each chapter in the first one is better than the last. Although i finished it the other day, i feel like i have had enough for now tbh. I might start 2 next week, or even later:). There are already mods and maybe there will be a patch or 2 by next week.

Also, i still can not dl any of my extra content. It keeps saying no internet access or something and the only option i have is to dl polish subtitles.
Decided against better judgement to buy this.

Story so far is good, visuals are brilliant.

The Combat System however is by far the most broken, random, twitchy and quite frankly bad I have ever come across, I'm playing on Hard and the damage I'm doing compared to the damage of basic enemies seems completely biased, I also seem to very rarely hit enemies I'm not targeting regardless of their proximity. I won't even start on to the targeting system which is quite frankly pathetic.

Also I'm getting really tired of stepping through a door into an unavoidable instant fight with a large number of enemies to which my only answer is Sign > run around like a pilock > trap if they fall behind > more pilocking about > yet more signs > throw a bomb, this is not fun, this is not challenging combat, this is silly, if I even DARE to take my sword out I get instantly ganged and lose my entire health bar before I can get a hit off. It is as far as I can tell impossible to enter a sword fight with more than one enemy targeting you unless you spend 90% of your time rolling around (and still getting hit), I prefer the first games styles over this mess.

Also not to mention the fact they game has a habit of ignoring key presses, be it attack, sign or block (yes I know about that vitality thing).

Eugh, will stick with it for now but I really do hope it's just the prologue that is so terribly designed.
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Decided against better judgement to buy this.

Story so far is good, visuals are brilliant.

The Combat System however is by far the most broken, random, twitchy and quite frankly bad I have ever come across, I'm playing on Hard and the damage I'm doing compared to the damage of basic enemies seems completely biased, I also seem to very rarely hit enemies I'm not targeting regardless of their proximity. I won't even start on to the targeting system which is quite frankly pathetic.

Also I'm getting really tired of stepping through a door into an unavoidable instant fight with a large number of enemies to which my only answer is Sign > run around like a pilock > trap if they fall behind > more pilocking about > yet more signs > throw a bomb, this is not fun, this is not challenging combat, this is silly, if I even DARE to take my sword out I get instantly ganged and lose my entire health bar before I can get a hit off. It is as far as I can tell impossible to enter a sword fight with more than one enemy targeting you unless you spend 90% of your time rolling around (and still getting hit), I prefer the first games styles over this mess.

Also not to mention the fact they game has a habit of ignoring key presses, be it attack, sign or block (yes I know about that vitality thing).

Eugh, will stick with it for now but I really do hope it's just the prologue that is so terribly designed.

Stick it on easy then - there's no real shame in it, easy on this game is about the equivalent of normal on other games.
Stick it on easy then - there's no real shame in it, easy on this game is about the equivalent of normal on other games.

The difficulty isn't the problem, it's the combat mechanics as a whole, I enjoy challenges in fact I revel in them, hell I recently got done doing a no armor/magic playthrough of demons souls last week, what I'm finding with this game is not challenging, it's frustrating, it's from bowmen whose arrows you can't avoid by any means, it's from the game randomly deciding I can't attack an enemy because he's a certain way through his attack animation even if my attack would hit first, it's the block function being about as useful as throwing a hanky at them and spending every single fight with more than one enemy running around waiting for one to move away from the other because even if you stagger attacks between two enemies they will ALWAYS find time to hit you leading to a stun and being hit by the other. It's the fraction of a second after setting a trap that Geralt is completely unresponsive so if you try to do it in a fight you have to be THAT much father away or you get caught in the explosion, it's the fact you can't look around without changing targets or locking on (what was wrong with just locking on to the target geralt is pointing towards?) It's the fact that if I kill an enemy and I happen to be looking at an enemy 10ft away and accidentally hit attack again Geralt will flop about like a gymnast towards that enemy disregarding the one trying to stab me in the spine.

There are just so many things that can lead to your death that you have either no control over or have to actively avoid.

Anyway that's enough ragging, one thing I would like to say I really like is the update to the sign system, it's quite nice that each one seems to have a reason to exist and to be used, also the new upgrade/level up grid thingy is much more....well it's much less annoying that the original, less cluttered and bloated, I'm all for customisation but there is no need for complexity for complexities sake. Also the game does look BLOODY beautiful.
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