Decided against better judgement to buy this.
Story so far is good, visuals are brilliant.
The Combat System however is by far the most broken, random, twitchy and quite frankly bad I have ever come across, I'm playing on Hard and the damage I'm doing compared to the damage of basic enemies seems completely biased, I also seem to very rarely hit enemies I'm not targeting regardless of their proximity. I won't even start on to the targeting system which is quite frankly pathetic.
Also I'm getting really tired of stepping through a door into an unavoidable instant fight with a large number of enemies to which my only answer is Sign > run around like a pilock > trap if they fall behind > more pilocking about > yet more signs > throw a bomb, this is not fun, this is not challenging combat, this is silly, if I even DARE to take my sword out I get instantly ganged and lose my entire health bar before I can get a hit off. It is as far as I can tell impossible to enter a sword fight with more than one enemy targeting you unless you spend 90% of your time rolling around (and still getting hit), I prefer the first games styles over this mess.
Also not to mention the fact they game has a habit of ignoring key presses, be it attack, sign or block (yes I know about that vitality thing).
Eugh, will stick with it for now but I really do hope it's just the prologue that is so terribly designed.