The Witcher 2 - Thread

I am stuck on the Necker contract where you have to destroy the tunnels, i am in the cave and have read the book so i am past that bit, I tried throwing a few bombs and fire signs but nothing really happenes, i am looking for the greasy looking stains on the cave floor arent it? or am i missing somthing? How did you guys do it, its driving me mad as i have been trying to do it for a good hour or so.

You have to destroy entrances to their tunnels which are in the forest, no in cave. You have to use grapeshot, just interact with the tunnel and Geralt will torch it.
Think a 6990 would handle it, or are we waiting for a driver release to improve things?

probably not - it hammers performance

interestingly I'm running without it on, but I've 2x SSAA enabled inNvidia drivers (and the in game AA -whether it does anything or not)

and I'm not really seeing any jaggies at all

and frame rates hovering in the high 30s at worst-but most times 40+

so I'm not sure of the need of Ubersampling

spot any jaggies ?

since this game is only Directx9- and looks AMAZING - I don't really see need for anything over DX9 !!lol

game starts to like VRAM after playing for a while I was up to 1400mb usage

game starts to like VRAM after playing for a while I was up to 1400mb usage

This is my problem, GPU usage up to 89-95% max, plays fine for maybe 2 hours, then performance just tanks. Funnily enough it always happens in one specific area: next to the smithy in Flotsam and the ramparts above him. I have a 1gb GTX 460 and have to play on the High preset to get 26-40fps, I've adjusted most of the settings and the only one that really makes a huge difference to both performance and looks is the texture memory size, which I have to leave on medium if I don't want to look at a slideshow :(
This is my problem, GPU usage up to 89-95% max, plays fine for maybe 2 hours, then performance just tanks. Funnily enough it always happens in one specific area: next to the smithy in Flotsam and the ramparts above him. I have a 1gb GTX 460 and have to play on the High preset to get 26-40fps, I've adjusted most of the settings and the only one that really makes a huge difference to both performance and looks is the texture memory size, which I have to leave on medium if I don't want to look at a slideshow :(

mmm could be - I took this screenie for the VRAM thread - note VRAM top right

How long does it take to install, update etc (from start to finish).

I've ordered the game, but what I normally find with a new game is that most of my first night (and sometimes even overnight) is wasted installing.

If it's a long install process I'll install it in the week ready to play on Friday night.

Cheers all.
Just finished the prologue, finding this game so far excellent. Combat was tricky at 1st (for about an hour until i realised not only does Quen reduce damage taken but reduces stun chance on you. Great for group battles. (In fact makes it a bit too easy maybe). Loving the mature Tone, lets face it RL is mature, good to see it in a game. Liking the UI/menus etc, not really got into crafting yet. I am a very thorough player so I have started act 1 allrerady overencumbered. Think I will download the MOD to make everything weigh nothing.

Performance for me so far has been absolutely fine on my 5850. Think only being able to run 1680*1050 saves me. Game looks stunning.
Not worked them all out myself.
Quen gives you a shield buff, best sign i have found.
Ardd is a short stun
Yrmm (i think) is kind of like a trap it takes one person out of the fray for quite a while, good CC.
Igni burns things
Aint worked out the other, seriously learn to loose Quen asap it makes life much easier.
Yrden is a trap, you can later learn a talent that allows you to place several of them in a line and anyone that crosses is stunned.
Axii allows you to play Jedi mind tricks in conversations (which is awesome). Apparently you can also use it to temporarily make an enemy fight for you but it's never worked for me so far.
Im gonna go back and complete TW1 and wait for a patch to make this playable at max settings because running it on high just doesn't do the game justice :(

Edit - Oh, great, I've lost my saves -.-
Turn off ubersampling and SSAO

Also, there still isn't support for the game running multi-gpu setups, as was said in Post 1863.
reaaally stupid question, but what do the quests with a feint grey shield behind them mean?? main story quests??

edit: saw a little earlier in the thread that it is indeed main story quests.. guess I should read properly first eh :)
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