The Witcher 2 - Thread

I'm glad i carried on with the first game now, but there better be some answers at the start of the 2nd game;) i'm fed up with being confused by all the poorly translated dialogue:p

I might actually start next week some time, as i have played the 1st game too much over the last 2 weeks
Couple of weight mods have appeared to help with the lack of bank storage like Witcher 1 had.

This one reduces craft items (Wood, Oil, Cloth, Leather etc) to 0.1, but leaves everything else. The other one basically allows you to carry infinite items as it reduces the weight of everything to 0. They are both just XML files that you shove in the Witcher directory so nothing dodgy.
Download this;

It's all you need. The profiles are in a drop down box on the right when the Witcher is added too the list.


Once installed, click the add new profile button along the top bar. Locate the Witcher 2 EXE and it will be added to the list.


Then force the profile by clicking on the tweaks tab, and choosing the dirt 2 profile from the drop down box.

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Ok so the Dirt profile does make a big difference, now playing at 2560x1440 with ultra settings except ubersampling and fps doesnt really dip below 40
possible spoilers.

im in the first village off the boat, spoke to loads of people including the commandor bloke etc, but been given loads of quests, the quest log is awful i dont know what im doing lol, im a noob at proper RPG's though, only ones ive played are things liek fallout3 and oblivion which are easy.
possible spoilers.

im in the first village off the boat, spoke to loads of people including the commandor bloke etc, but been given loads of quests, the quest log is awful i dont know what im doing lol, im a noob at proper RPG's though, only ones ive played are things liek fallout3 and oblivion which are easy.

Quests with a grey shield icon are related to main story.

Ones without are side quests and to track a quest click on it then an orange icon appears which means it will also show on your main screen on the righthand side below the mini map.(sometimes the quest will appear on the mini map too although some quests may not and you may have to read books to discover info on them or talk to people)
thanks, will take my time with it, it seems really good, i love the lore and atmosphere, its so 18+ too the amount of swearing and sex is ridiculous haha.

too tired to play tonight will have a good go at it tommorow :)
I didn't get a chance to play through the first one twice, I sided with Order and romanced Triss, what happens if you side with Scoia'tel or romance Shani? Are the Scoia'tel friendly to you and does Triss basically disappear like Shani did?
I am stuck on the Necker contract where you have to destroy the tunnels, i am in the cave and have read the book so i am past that bit, I tried throwing a few bombs and fire signs but nothing really happenes, i am looking for the greasy looking stains on the cave floor arent it? or am i missing somthing? How did you guys do it, its driving me mad as i have been trying to do it for a good hour or so.
Can someone post a pic of the Magical Suit DLC as i am not sure that mine's activated right. I started with a quilted jacket and "magic pants" but as my savings carried over from the first game i also had Ravens Armor. Hopefully continuing the saving hasn't somehow got rid of this magic suit. In the download manager The Troll DLC and the Magic suit are both installed and green ticked.
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