The Witcher 2 - Thread

The game was designed for 16:9 1920x1080 ,so you will have to wait for a patch or two when you can use your native 1920x1200 res.

There is no 16:10 support yet.

Ah ok. Thanks for the answers :)

Hopefully in 1.1 next week.

Now running ultra@1920x1200, just with uber sampling off :D


Where's the forum that I need to sign up to to get the quest on the board in the first town?
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Hmm, found a potential fix for some of the FPS issues in the game. I tested it myself and it's giving me up to 25 - 30 FPS more in some areas, but in some others only 2 - 5 (this is on a single HD5850). It does also decreases loading games, especially with the wolf when loading the game up, with the fix it only takes 5 seconds, without it takes me about 25.

The game doesn't have DRM on the Steam version, but the steam versions have dummy non-active SecuROM DRM files. It's nothing to do with cracked / hacked copies of the game or anything illegal, but since the fix is bypassing dummy DRM files I don't want to get slapped for providing a link to a fix that allows you to get around DRM even if they are dummy non-active files :) Best to go have a look around if you're interested.
what is ubersampling its like no one can handle it?

Developer quote: "The whole scene is rendered multiple times to give best possible texture and object details and antialiasing (better than antialias and anisotropy even on highest settings)."
Unbelievably Pretty. Can't wait to get this game. Hopefully my 480 GTX SOC will come tomorrow. The moment it does I will rush out and get this. So exciting :D
Now i have the troll trouble and swordsman dlc showing up in the launcher, but when i dl them it just crashes.

when verifying the dlc, the launcher just goes unresponsive. I can't click on it, close it or anything. Only task manager can close it.
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Just read that Nvidia are working to release another WHQL driver for 3D Vision users. Strangely enough all outside scenes are very, very playable, great performance with everything maxed (except uber), however in some indoor areas (Dungeon, Tavern), the framerate tanks. Thankfully it's been outdoors mainly as the visuals are absolutely amazing in 3D and going back to 2D is not something I want to do.
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I just finished Chapter 2....
no words..

Pretty much the best game I have played in last 5 years, maybe much amazing epicness...

I will not spoil anything but the stuff really gets hardcore there
Can't be bothered to wait for a patch tbh. I'll just start it now i think. Without my pre order bonus:mad:
Was hoping the Ultimate Swordsman might help as people have said the combat isn't great and it's a bit hard. Gonna play it on easy anyway, as in a game like this it kinda spoils the immersion for me on hard difficulties.

This Troll Trouble thing, can it be done at any point in the game? also, when is this patch due does anyone know?
I forgot this was out! *facepalm* :eek:

I only played the first few hours of the first game a few weeks ago and I really don't get on with older game engines, even though its pretty good.

Do I really need to have played the first game to enjoy this properly?

Those of you that were upset about DA2, has this made you happier? :p

If I don't have to play the first game I think I'll go and get it tomorrow.
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