Lovin this so far, just finished Tower of Mice, and looking for the Pellars fathers body. Only thing I find bad is the lack of money
I cant buy anything/ Just hit lvl 8 with lvl 3 or 4 stuff.
Not having any problems running the game, do have npc pop up, but it looks grand on a 5 yr old card
45 hours in, level 15.
Starting to find it very repetitive now, becoming a bit of a grind. Anyone else find this?
Both these things together are the biggest reason for repetitiveness. To get money of which you can get loads you pretty much need to loot EVERYTHING, everywhere. Use fast travel points to go to better armourers/blacksmiths as they will give you better prices. IE for a sword worth 2000 a normal merchant may give you 15 for it, a lower area blacksmith may give you 30 and a higher area guy may give you 100.
Thing is most of the things to buy from people are absurd. 1500 for a +10% igni rune but you find them all over the place.
Maybe the most stupid part is you kill off some guys, there is a big 'treasure chest' in the middle of the camp and it has a awesome... broken rake in it, but the simple box over in the corner has a 1000 value sword or recipe in it. I found a broken rake in one of those tiny treasure chests today, so small it couldn't possibly hold a rake at all but there you go. Loot makes no sense, loot everything, find no need for money, loot nothing, have nothing and no money to buy anything... derp.
You can make money easily but it means searching and looting every single thing in every area and then travelling back and forth to sell it every time you fill up.
Looting/money/crafting, the whole system is a bore now and very unrewarding. So now you're fighting around all these question mark places but with basically no reward, you don't need the money nor want to walk around finding every last freaking crate just incase there is actually something you need.
Variety of monsters seems pretty poor, everywhere is very... controller. Travel to a question mark, one troll, or 3 wraiths, or 5 drowners, or a pack of 6-7 wolves. Very few times are there more than one type of monster to shake up a fight and change the tactics. Also Igni pretty much works on every single thing in the game. It's fairly tedious, ride there, igni x 10, loot a bunch of broken rakes, a couple of bars of stuff I don't need, a bunch of bandit swords, travel somewhere to sell them, repeat.
Bandit AI is so painfully stupid as well. Number of times they get stuck or don't in any way attempt to surround you, basically just stand there to be hit 1-2 at a time.
levels 1-10, brilliant, after that, meh.