The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

I'm trying to play differently this time round. The story flows much better if you do a lot of the main quest early and spread your side quests and exploring throughout the different chapters. For example...
I am going to leave all of the companion quests until just before the battle of Kaer Morhen, as it makes more sense that way and seems more natural ( helping Triss and Roche. I not sure about the Skellige succession arc, I might leave that too, or u might do it as it comes.

Problem is though, the way levelling works (or doesn't work) means you get to a stage where you have to do certain things or they become pretty much worthless!

PS. Just had a mad game of Gwent where due to Spies, we both had 14 cards going in to the last round!
I can't believe how utterly beautiful this game is graphics wise. Glad I upgraded my GPU! :D :D :D

Slowly getting the hang of combat. Bit like TW2 but it seems to work better when you lock on to an opponent for dodging. Trying to avoid using rolls is hard.
I can't believe how utterly beautiful this game is graphics wise. Glad I upgraded my GPU! :D :D :D

Slowly getting the hang of combat. Bit like TW2 but it seems to work better when you lock on to an opponent for dodging. Trying to avoid using rolls is hard.

I find locking on to be a horrible handicap in group fights for me. Although at least they have the option for both.

Rolls are much worse here though, stopping stamina regen. Having recently played through the Witcher 2 again, it's playing havoc on my combat performance in Witcher 3.
Yeah I hardly ever roll, the only time I need to is when a Wraith does it's multi-swing attack after teleporting or when something like an Earth Elemental does a big attack. Dodging is usually the best thing to do, especially with my build which is heavily sign oriented (pretty much all my points are in signs).
Dijkstra is such a brilliant character. Easily the best in the game imo. Roche was the standout from 2, Dijkstra from 3. Roche is a bit muted imo,and not quite in it enough. Would have loved for the Assassination quest line to have been fleshed out a bit more.
Dijkstra is such a brilliant character. Easily the best in the game imo. Roche was the standout from 2, Dijkstra from 3. Roche is a bit muted imo,and not quite in it enough. Would have loved for the Assassination quest line to have been fleshed out a bit more.

I agree, same for Thaler from Witcher 1. All 3 exceptional characters in their respective games. Hopefully they do treat them better, I know in the Witcher 2 Enhanced Edition they fleshed out the quests depending on which side you picked.

I originally played Witcher 2 on launch with Roche, and recently went through the Enhanced Edition and they added a good few more quests in the 3rd chapter.

I hope they do the same when the Witcher 3 Enhanced Edition drops.
Yeah I hardly ever roll, the only time I need to is when a Wraith does it's multi-swing attack after teleporting or when something like an Earth Elemental does a big attack. Dodging is usually the best thing to do, especially with my build which is heavily sign oriented (pretty much all my points are in signs).

Are you all using block/parry or is it pretty useless? I can't reconcile combat in TW2 with this game for some reason, although I'm finding the Yrden sign very useful which came as a surprise.

Looks like I'll be playing Quen/Yrden/Igni and fast attack, I'm not dying too much that way.
I'm using Quen/Yrden/Axii and have remapped the dodge key to my mouse's thumb button. Axii is really useful against enemies with shields, just give them a blast of Axii and they drop their guard and stand there waiting to be hit. :D
Can someone tell me where I can get or find the Golden Oriole manuscript. As in my first playthrough and now in my second, I can't seem to get a hold of it. I have Enhanced and Superior, but neither is any use without the base oil.
I have been going round the map in Velen doing all the markers(?) that my level(13) will allow me, avoided everything over level 20. On my travels I have bought everything from the traders that I believe may be a benefit. I doing so, I bought all the manuscripts for making all the sign Glyphs, from lesser to greater. But I have a problem. In my inventory I have 21 lesser Igni Glyphs, but I cannot craft the next level up. You need 2 lesser Glyphs to make a Glyph, but when I go to a blacksmith, they don't show. But if I craft the lesser Glyphs, then I have the option to craft the next level up. Is this a glitch?
Are you all using block/parry or is it pretty useless? I can't reconcile combat in TW2 with this game for some reason, although I'm finding the Yrden sign very useful which came as a surprise.

Looks like I'll be playing Quen/Yrden/Igni and fast attack, I'm not dying too much that way.

I'm liking a powerful Aard at the moment. A lot of the time it will knock back even powerful enemies on to their back for a quick finishing move. Can take out full health high level things with one downward thrust of your sword :D
The herbalist outside Oxenfurt(south of that eatate) has Golden Oriole, along with a lot of other recipes you might have missed.

also a master herbalist in skelliga that has 5 of them. I got into a tough scrap not long after buying them and was mashing the use button and drank all 5 and lost all my skills mid fight :eek:

They really need to change that one :D
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I'm liking a powerful Aard at the moment. A lot of the time it will knock back even powerful enemies on to their back for a quick finishing move. Can take out full health high level things with one downward thrust of your sword :D

Yeah, Aard is pretty damn powerful, particularly against bigger monsters because it can temporarily stun them and allow you to deal some serious damage. My fighting style changes depending on the enemy though. Against human/elf/dwarf enemies I tend to use Igni or Axii and block and counter quite a bit. Against monsters, particularly big ones like cyclops, giants and trolls, I normally use Aard and Quen and do a lot of dodging and rolling, because block rarely stops their attacks.

Some bigger enemies are comically easy to beat, I managed to beat a much higher level cyclops simply by rolling out of the way of all his attacks and then rushing in for a few fast attacks before rolling out of the way again. Don't think I took any damage at all.
I'm using Quen/Yrden/Axii and have remapped the dodge key to my mouse's thumb button. Axii is really useful against enemies with shields, just give them a blast of Axii and they drop their guard and stand there waiting to be hit. :D

I do the same! The first skill I put points into was Axii as it not only helps with charming people but makes fights much easier.
Especially on those flying draconic buggers. It knocks them out of the sky at the same time as stunning them.
I do the same! The first skill I put points into was Axii as it not only helps with charming people but makes fights much easier.
Especially on those flying draconic buggers. It knocks them out of the sky at the same time as stunning them.

You'll get an item later in the game that drops flying mobs to the deck :)
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