Too many people now think you need to be able to level to 100 and pick from thousands of skills for a game to be an RPG.
The story, characters and world are outstanding and leave you hooked for more. I've never played a game and cared about the characters, history and world more.
In my eyes that makes it a fantastic Role Playing Game.
Well, it's called an RPG for a reason. And it's a game, not a book. The mechanics should also be equally polished and something as trivial as proper, sensible level scalling should be a given if it is to deserve the title of "the best game/RPG of all time" as some people call it. Thousands of skills? If anything, it should've had less than it has now since most are pretty useless anyways

The worst thing is that the main story and characters aren't anything special compared to Assassins of Kings and neither is the world. I simply couldn't believe how bland the story was after all the hype. I tried to like it but it was just too cliche. It's kinda funny because if there was no story in Witcher 3 and only sidequests and witcher contracts, I'd rate it 9/10 instead of 8/10

I played dozens of games where I cared for the characters more so I guess it's all subjective. The Last of Us, MGS 3: Snake Eater, or the Silent Hill series spring to mind. All of those aren't even RPGs and are also a bit overrated, yet their character creations, emotions they convey and stories are a solid notch above Wild Hunt. They can even give it a run for its money in terms of dialogue.
The pacing was bad as well, I felt like an errand boy 3/4 of the game. The world? It's a typical medieval fantasy setting, nothing we've never seen done before, just bigger. And I'm not sure its scale really works to the game's advantage.
The game's undoubtedly an achievement of sorts and I really enjoyed it but saying it has the best story/gameplay/mechanics/world of all time is a bit too much.
EDIT: I lol'd hard though when Geralt
got clattered with Eskel and Lambert

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