The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

I'm wanting to get back in to it. Just trying to decide on platform. I bought it at release on Xbox, but sold my Xbox before I completed it. Then I picked it up with my PS4. I got as far as Novigrad before realising how much I had left to do just to catch up with my Xbox save, and then lost interest. Pretty sure it was just too soon after playing through 2/3rds of the game on Xbox. I picked up the Switch version a couple of months back intending to play through the whole game again, but then got distracted by Pokemon before I got much past the prologue.

I've now got another Xbox One (but only an S), so I could continue my old Xbox save. But its been ages and I can't really remember what was going on. So I'm thinking I might start again. I just can't decide on which platform; Xbox, PS4, Switch, or buy the PC version (because... shiny).

Shame saves aren't portable. If they were, it would be easy to choose.
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Get it on PC. Mod it to get better textures and a few QOL mods.

There are some awesome mods. best one i like is the one which removes the hud and puts in 3D map markers. makes the game a lot more immersive. there are also combat overhauls to make the combat good and given you've already played a bit chunk of the game... it will be a nice way to re-play the witcher franchise.
the 2 main DLCs do you have to beat the main game to get them ? or do they fit in along with some of the main story quests ?
Hearts of Stone can be played before finishing the story when you reach its required level.
But frankly I would recommend finishing the game and then playing the expansions. Blood and Wine is the end, must be played last.
the 2 main DLCs do you have to beat the main game to get them ? or do they fit in along with some of the main story quests ?

You need to reach a certain quest I think but the level requirements mean you probably did the main questline by then anyway. There is an option to skip the main quests and start at an appropriate level too.
Main thing that affects the last DLC is who you chose to romance.
Meh. Neither really make a huge difference whenever they're played. The issue with playing them early is that they're harder than the main game so you might be underlevevlled and run into issues.
Would agree with Paul, you can really play them at any level as long as you meet the level requirements, but blood and wine level requirements are slightly higher in a way to play it towards the end which makes sense.

Personally play Main game, then Heart of Stone and finish with Blood and Wine. Blood and Wine should absolutely be last to finish IMO as it really is about wrapping up the trilogy on an amazing note and some of the decisions you make in the main game do rear there head in B&W.

Dammm wish I could erase my memory of this game sometime and play it from start to finish :o
I can't stand people who insist on modding a game from the outset. Just play it as intended, it looks phenomenal!
Are you a Dev or something? Why does it upset you so much? That's the beauty of PC the fact you can mod and it's single player so it affects no one. It actually brings more interest into PC gaming. So your kind of response makes no sense and i also cannot stand people with your attitude. Do your own thing and stay in your lane?
Are you a Dev or something? Why does it upset you so much? That's the beauty of PC the fact you can mod and it's single player so it affects no one. It actually brings more interest into PC gaming. So your kind of response makes no sense and i also cannot stand people with your attitude. Do your own thing and stay in your lane?

Late to the party much? :rolleyes:

I'm not opposed to modding, but I think you should try the game as intended before proceeding to change it. Witcher 3 looks decent visually, and is perfectly playable, so why not try it vanilla to begin with?
Hmmm I can see both sides of the above tbh... On the one hand I would worry that by modding the game having not played it "vanilla" I might introduce bugs (worst case scenario totally break the game) or harm the intended experience somehow...

But then on the other hand I often don't have time to play through a game multiple times (certainly not one this big) and so if there are any "must have" mods then I may get to the end of my one playthrough and regret not having had them enabled (actually I did have this with Witcher 3 when I found out about that developer balance mod that sounds like it would have made my playthrough a bit tougher and more rewarding)
I just started playing this and seems quite good. However why will the game not scale properly on a 4K monitor without having to change your Windows (according to Google/Reddit) desktop settings? I can understand for older gams like Deus Ex etc. but for a 2015 release - 4k has been around long enough? What's worse is rather than just the text fonts being too small, a large portion of the display is off the edge of the screen including the menu bar where you need to get to reset the graphics back to 1920. Not the best first experience having to open a config file in Notepad to manually change the settings.

The combat reminds me of that Game Of Thrones title that came out a few years back. Shame it’s all in third person rather than first person like Skyrim.
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My flagging HD7950 needs an update. What's the cheapest viable upgrade to run this in its full glory?

Only running a 22" at 1080p
My flagging HD7950 needs an update. What's the cheapest viable upgrade to run this in its full glory?

Only running a 22" at 1080p

At 1080p maxed setting this 3D guru chart shows the 1650 Super, but also comparable cards like RX 590, 1660 Super etc:,19.html

comparable Nvidia cards do slightly better in witcher 3, but the RX590 in general at current prices preforms very well and will still average over 60 FPS at 1080p with settings cranked up in witcher 3 so max out your monitor, then jump ahead in plenty of other titles. Right now available for pretty nice price with a few games. if your looking to run the game in its full glory.

If your happy to knock off a few demanding settings, could settle for something slightly less down the tier.
I'm picking up a saved game that isn't too far advanced, I've just started the Bloody Baron quest line. Could anyone suggest some essential mods that wouldn't require a fresh start or break a saved game? I'm just looking for essential functionality and some better visuals/textures.

If I need to start a fresh game then I will, but would rather not.

TIA :)
I'm after some suggestions too. Played through several times so I'm happy to alter/improve the look and replay it.

I guess the HD project is essential, any more realistic Sweetfx profiles? I remember trying one that made it much less orange etc once
Just picked it up in steam sale. Never played a Witcher before. Always wanted to but never jumped in.

I got it on gamepass first , but the bad FPS and load times on my Xbox made me want it on PC within about 30 mins.

Not started PC version but will tonight.

Might lightly mod, never modded before, but I think the map quest mod will be good for me as I get overwhelmed easily.

Is the HD mod worth it? I have a 1080 and 1440p gsync monitor
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