The Wizard of Wolls: Follow the yellow brick gains

Really difficult trio of sets, it's surprising how feather weight 80kg feels after working at higher weights!
Good chest session today.
BB Bench
20kg 12
70kg 10
82.5kg 8/8/8
60kg 12/12

Incline DB Bench
26kg 10/10/9

BW 10/10/10

Cable across Overs
20kg 12/12/12

Cable Rope Push Down / OH Ext
35kg / 35kg
12 / 12
12 / 12
10 / 6

The wife and I demolished an entire Pavlova between ourselves last night, this obviously appropriately fuelled me for this workout xD
IDGAF, just go down the gym and pull lots. That was my philosophy today. Worked out alright.

20kg 12
50kg 12
72.5kg 10/10/10
50kg 12/12

Low Cable Row
55kg 12/12/12/12

Low cable row flat row
45kg 10/10

Lat Pull Down
60kg 10/10/10

Close Grip Pull Down
60kg 10/10

Machine lat pull down (per side)
25kg 12
30kg 10/10

BB Curlz
25kg / 12.5kg
12 / 12
12 / 12

SUCH pump. New direction wth back at the moment. I always always always start with lat pull down, then close grip lat pull down.... Decided I need to spend a good 6 weeks focussing on heaving BORs to try and stimulate some width gains. Time will tell.
20kg 12/12
50kg 8
55kg 8/8
50kg 8
30kg 12/12

BB Front Raise / DB Rear Flyes
25kg / 6kg
10 / 12
10 / 12
10 / 12

Cable Side Raises / Face Pulls
10kg / 50kg
12 / 12
12 / 12
12 / 12

Long break

OHP machine
30kg 25/20/15

Nothing amazing. Reps on OHP were up a bit compared to last week, but lost about 15 minutes chatting to a couple of guys. You win some, you lose some.
LEGS you say? LEGS? Yes, legs. On a Friday. And off for a 8 mile hike tomorrow, whoops!
20kg 12/12
60kg 10
100kg 8
130kg 8/8/8
100kg 8/8
60kg 12

Leg Press single / double
77kg / 93kg
12 / 12
12 / 12
12 / 12

DB Lunges / Step Ups
16kg / 15kg
8 / 10
8 / 10

Hammy Curlz
45kg 12/12/12
Turns out as per my previous post, legs before hiking wasn't a spectular idea. Chest on a Monday however is ****ing awesome.

Chest - early training - no spotter
BB bench
20kg 12/12
60kg 12
82.5kg 8/8/7
60kg 12/10

Incline DB bench
28kg 8/8/8

BW 10/10/8

Cable Crossovers - short stack
45kg 12/12/12

Cable Crossovers - wide stack
20kg 12/12

45kg 12/10

25kg 10/9

Cable Rope Push Down / OH Ext
35kg / 35kg
10 / 10
10 / 10

Chest Press Machine
30kg / 20kg
15 / 10

Had to train a lot earlier (10:30am) as I'm a proper lovely guy and treat my wife to a spa day. So quick hop to the gym, then sat in a hot tub for 4 hours. Followed up by afternoon tea and more cream cakes in the evening, was a good day for gains.

85kg bench for next week I think.
Fancied doing some deadlifts for back, but my lower back wasn't in agreement. Had to stop after 4 sets of heavy fears, really really really need to sort out my posterior chain issues, as my power is excellent otherwise.

Started with lots of hip and hamstring stretches

70kg 8
110kg 5
155kg 3/3/3/3
110kg 5
70kg 8

Low Cable Row
60kg 12/12/12

Flat Cable Row
45kg 12/12/12

Lat Pull Down
60kg 10/10/10

Close grip pull down
60kg 10/10

TBar Rows
25kg 12/12/12
Arms on a Wednesday because arms are the new legs, amirite?
BW 10
8kg 10/10/10
BW 10

Skull Crushers
25kg 12/10/10/10

Cable Push Down V bar - short stack
85kg 15
95kg 15
105kg 15/15

Cable Push Down Underhand - normal stack
40kg 12/12/12

BB Curlz
30kg / 20kg
12 / 12
12 / 12

Cable One Handed Rope Curlz
10kg 10/10/10/10

Hammer Curlz
8kg 8/8/8

The one handed cable curls were recommended to me by FireSkull, excellent movement and the pump was just too stronk. Enjoyed this.
Got woken up at 2:30am today and didn't feel good all day. Lower back pain too. But shoulders.
DB Press
18kg 12
28kg 10/10/7/6
20kg 10/10

Leaning Cable Lat Raises / Cable Front Raise
15kg / 25kg
10 / 10
9 / 10
9 / 10

Cable Rear Flyes / Face Pulls
10kg / 45kg
12 / 12
12 / 12
12 / 12

100kg 12/12/12/12

OHP Machine
30kg 25/20
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