Obviously the same rules should also apply to religions then?
Absolutely and not all religious believers try to pass their beliefs off as scientific fact either.
Obviously the same rules should also apply to religions then?
Yep, come to our church... you might be saving your soul from eternal damnation, well maybe... we have cake.
Absolutely and not all religious believers try to pass their beliefs off as scientific fact either.
2nd. But I also like the fact it's not being done in a violent way.
I think it's idiotic the way that some people go on about their religion (imo).
I don't have a single problem with people believing in something as it's their choice. I just don't like the idea that when atheists want to show the same sort of opinions, we get slated.
I used to work in a care home and when the church used to come in I would leave the room as it wasn't my place to be. I did it without any disrespect and yet, when asked, I got slated for saying I was a non-believer.
Should be the same for both sides.
Oh the irony in that statement...
I agree, but I have to say I've met a far greater number of 'aggressive' atheists than I have any other belief.
But are these aggressive atheists actually aggressive or just vocal in their views on God? Whilst I understand the irony of atheists preaching about there being no God, I've also enver heard of atheists using violence in the way I've seen some relgious believers use it.
In terms of people trying to tell me what to think (as opposed to what they think), the atheists are much worse. Furthermore they are the ones more likely to get aggressive when you challenge their beliefs or question their logic (especially surrouding use of the scientific method and assumptions).
Atheists are just as bad, if not worse, for demanding you join them or you'll be insulted and abused IME.
"Even on the buses, nobody thinks twice when they see a religious slogan plastered across the side".
"This campaign to put alternative slogans on London buses will make people think - and thinking is anathema to religion."
Hanne Stinson, chief executive of the BHA, said: "We see so many posters advertising salvation through Jesus or threatening us with eternal damnation, that I feel sure that a bus advert like this will be welcomed as a breath of fresh air."
But that's just a hardline segment of atheists, fundamentalists if you will. And while they may insult your belief and demand you change you're views (Which is wrong, I completely agree), I don't agree that they are worse than the fundamentalist sectors of other belief's who, for instance, threaten and attack abortion doctors/clinics because it's a practice which goes against their religious belief. Or claim that homsexuality is an abmoniation and that homosexuals should burn in hell. Or turn themselves into human bombs whilst waging Jihad against seemingly innocent people.
I guess my point is that while I agree with you that some athiests can be arrogant and insulting and hypcritical in their approach to debating God, when it comes to actually being fundamentally aggressive, those who believe in [insert deity here] seem to have got it pretty well sown up.
That poster's about as pointless as the religious debates on here.
But are these aggressive atheists actually aggressive or just vocal in their views on God? Whilst I understand the irony of atheists preaching about there being no God, I've also enver heard of atheists using violence in the way I've seen some relgious believers use it.
..they weren't Muslims and I don't think they were Catholics either.
Then they must be aggressive atheists!
Nor do I, but I've not met anyone like that from the religious side, which was my original context.
A very, very small proportion of those with religious belief behave in such a way, that's the key point here. In my experience your chances of meeting an aggressive atheist in day to day normal life is much higher than meeting an aggressive religious person.
I dislike aggressive people whatever belief they are trying to peddle, so it's nothing personal against the atheists that I object to their behaviour, nor is it tied in with their actual beliefs. Unfortunately, there appears to be an atheist variant of 'soul saving' going on in many places, trying to convert people with an aggressive position on faith.
Atheists are just as bad, if not worse, for demanding you join them or you'll be insulted and abused IME.