
If i buy this, running a gtx 690, will it play ok? Reading the website it says "showcased to expose AMD tech" which reads bad for an nvidia/intel combination like I have.

The reviews are a bit sketchy which is a big shame as I had a huge hard on for this game :/
For any amature reviewers - the best game I have ever played was Dishonored. Am I better off buying the DLC for Dishonored or this game?
Just gone through the foundry. Plenty of alternate routes,hidden areas and a few puzzles. A well thought out area. This game really isn't as bad as some people are making out!... In fact I am really enjoying it so far. Yes, there are things I find less than great, and definitely a few things that I would really want to change, but overall it is very good so far.

I really love the feel of the game in terms of atmosphere, especially the lighting. An the overall graphical direction of the game.

PS. That bug seemed to just go away on it's own.

More I play, the more I am enjoying it. Definetly better than some are making out, for me anyway.

If i buy this, running a gtx 690, will it play ok? Reading the website it says "showcased to expose AMD tech" which reads bad for an nvidia/intel combination like I have.

The reviews are a bit sketchy which is a big shame as I had a huge hard on for this game :/

I do not know how it will be on sli, but I can tell you I have it maxed and getting above 30fps.

For any amature reviewers - the best game I have ever played was Dishonored. Am I better off buying the DLC for Dishonored or this game?

I really enjoyed Dishonoured, but after you finish the main game, it is not as fun. I would recommend going for Thief rather than Dishonoured DLC which will not last you half as long as Thief would. Though I would pick up 2 of the dishonoured dlc on sale however.
For any amature reviewers - the best game I have ever played was Dishonored. Am I better off buying the DLC for Dishonored or this game?

If Dishonoured is the best game you have played, GET THE DLC NOW!.. As dlc often does, it features the best levels in the whole of Dishonored. The slaughterhouse from part one in particular is incredible!... However, you will also really like Thief, I would imagine.
Is anyone able to tell me when the game unlocks?

A few days back it was listed "Thief will unlock in blah days blah hours & blah mins"

Now it says nothing (no idea why)
So far I'm liking this game a lot...
But starting to find it tough to get past a certain bit completely undetected. ((avoiding any spoilers) getting through the manufacturing bit)

certainly a worth while game to play, personally worth the £15 that its going for.

Is anyone able to tell me when the game unlocks?

Unlocks Friday, not sure what time. but then there is always spotflux vpn :D
Just grabbed Spotflux vpn as suggested. But as I have already got the game pre-loaded in steam will that be a problem?


Close steam
start Spotflux
load steam and play

OR go offline with steam and close spotflux and the game will still be activated. (I do this because I like to alt-tab in and out of games and surf the web as I am now and spot flux makes ads appear in your browser if it's activated.)

Close steam
start Spotflux
load steam and play

OR go offline with steam and close spotflux and the game will still be activated. (I do this because I like to alt-tab in and out of games and surf the web as I am now and spot flux makes ads appear in your browser if it's activated.)

thanks, worked a treat :D
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Once again my decision to wait and read reviews first pays off. I'll hang back then and pick it up from the bargain bin at my local game shop
Purchased the 2 Dishonored DLC's. Need to play the Mansion Ball level of the original game to reaquaint myself with the game and get my config right first.
If Dishonoured is the best game you have played, GET THE DLC NOW!.. As dlc often does, it features the best levels in the whole of Dishonored. The slaughterhouse from part one in particular is incredible!... However, you will also really like Thief, I would imagine.

I never got the fuss with dishonored, don't get me wrong it's a decent game in terms of gameply but I found the story so utterly dull that I couldn't even get drawn into the gameplay itself (though I wasn't overly fond of the power system since blink was the best power to use from the start). My main gripe with Thief is the hub city, I wish it was an open world title with procedurally generated houses and loot. It breaks immersion when half the doors are not actual houses you can enter.
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For me, Dishonored got it pretty much spot on in terms of everything really. The story is perfectly fine, and you can control how much of it you really want to pay attention to quite easily.. It is hardly Shakespeare, but holds the game together enough. What really made the game though was the freedom in terms of playstyles. You could be sneaky, but if spotted it was perfectly possible to fight your way out/hide etc. The environments are also really top notch all the way through, with lots to explore and secrets to find. Also, imo, it features the Best movement I have ever experienced in a game.

Thief isn't even on the same league tbh, but is pretty good in its own rights imo
W T F!

" HUH, I thought I heard something "


" OH wait never mind "


Dude, have you played the game more than 5 minutes before getting frustrated and posting online? :confused: That only happens like on the first mission. Lol. I think you are the second person to complain about that. Everyone reading that will assume it is like that the whole game, but actually it is only the first mission which is what 10-15 minutes long? Lol....:o
For me, Dishonored got it pretty much spot on in terms of everything really. The story is perfectly fine, and you can control how much of it you really want to pay attention to quite easily.. It is hardly Shakespeare, but holds the game together enough. What really made the game though was the freedom in terms of playstyles. You could be sneaky, but if spotted it was perfectly possible to fight your way out/hide etc. The environments are also really top notch all the way through, with lots to explore and secrets to find. Also, imo, it features the Best movement I have ever experienced in a game.

Thief isn't even on the same league tbh, but is pretty good in its own rights imo

Yup really enjoyed dishonored.
Hoping thief plays half as well :)
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