Things you've learnt or would like to learn

3 Jan 2009
Is there anything you'd like to learn how to do?

Are there any skills that you think would be worth acquiring?

What things have you learnt in the past that have brought you happiness or have proven particularly useful?
I'm learning how to play the piano and find it immensely rewarding.

I got reasonably good at French but let it slip and I quite regret that. I keep wanting to bring it up to scratch but don't seem to be able to find the time.

I'd really like to learn more about car mechanics and the like but again, don't have time. :(
I'd like to be good with a bit of joinery, and would love to be a master of the dark arts of plastering (once described on this forum as a man who can throw the plaster up all old way, go off for a cup of tea, come back and wave a wet stick at it, and have it looking pristine)
Currently doing various IT qualifications but would love to learn to play the piano and speak another language. Don't really have time for either at the minute though.
I am trying to learn to read Japanese (and speak a little although that sort of comes as a byproduct). Basic conversational chinese is also on my to do list but languages really are not my strong point
I would like to learn how to plaster, everyone tells me it's very hard to learn so don't bother.

If i spent say £300 on a crash course, I would save a fortune on what needs doing in the house.
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