No why would I

, he bites as well should I file his teeth down

In the wild or outdoors, cats will walk on hard surfaces, will climb trees, etc. This automatically will wear down the claws and keep them in check.
However, when you have a house cat, the claws can grow at an alarming rate. Moreover, they get VERY sharp.
For the above 2 reasons, I cut or should I say, blunt, the front claws of my 2 cats. This also makes them less dangerous when I handle them.
As an example, Reflex once got excrement on his paw. He then proceeded to wipe his claw all over my bed. It was literally covered in excrement when I woke up (to his scratching).
I then saw what was going on and decided to dip his paws in water and clean them. During this process I was seriously cut up (my shoulders, my arms, my legs - covered in blood. The wound on my shoulder was quite deep as he fought me in the bathroom, while I tried to get him into the wash basin.
My mistake that day was that I had got lazy and hadn't cut his claws for a for a few weeks.
When Reflex was very young, he used to be very vicious (search my thread about my cats and I posted a video of what he did to my Bengal). As he has grown, he has calmed down a lot, but I know that deep inside, he remains a vicious cat, when he wants to be. The day I tried to wash his paw, was the day I was given a reminder of just vicious Reflex is.