This Business and Moment...

@Delvis If you can drink 8 pints and still work is the first thing we look for in a team member :D well, for GOAT anyway. That's a prerequisite. We're hiring someone for Goat Cash to help us get some games out and push out GoatMEX, which will be sweet. Description here:

We're looking for someone for SaveNode like:

Both are ideals, would take someone who wants to learn but has a good base. Basically side project stuff at the moment, but hey!

Are these full-time, salaried positions? I'm a full-time developer during the day but I'm looking for something else to do on the side.
I would be too tbh @dirtychinchilla

I was just in a project meeting to discuss the rebirth of the project where I am the application service manager for the current operational software. (It was previously rolled out to Cambridge, US and supposed to be Basel too but the project team sucked and it went on hold. I got brought in to manage the operational side in between that.)
Now, I am technically not a part of the project team, I'm on operations, yet they listed me as the application specialist... I'm not, I'm an ASM. The whole project delivery has been moved to be under a new team, so I went to my boss (she isn't really, but she's like 2 levels up and signs my timesheets, but she's moving to another role now too...) and asked, firstly; Who is my boss? Answer: I should know that, but I don't. Maybe you'll be under PHI? (the new team taking over)
I also asked: Why am I listed in the project team, when I'm not supposed to do that? Will that be my role? Or...? Answer: No idea.
And: Will I have a contract renewal in Jan? Answer: Hopefully, not sure, we'll have to see where you're going to be...

Ha! So basically I don't know who my boss is, what my job is, or if I'll even have one in Jan! It'll be more annoying if it wasn't so normal for this place.

To follow on from this, I was in a meeting with one of the guys who's leading the new aspect of the project roll out for Basel. I happened to drop into conversation that in my role of ASM, I was keen to understand XYZ on the operational side, so it would make my life easier.
He replied; that was your old role. Your new one is technical specialist for TraMS (it's a ****** shipping and logisitics tool by a company called Precision, that's been bastardised by us, and is truly ghastly), I don't see it very interesting you being the ASM. You are now technical specialist.

I kind of just sat there like WTF... and I couldn't really say anything as I was with others we're bringing into assist with project delivery. I also feel due to the quoted text, and my uncertainty of me boss/role and contract renewal, that I can't really say anything at this point. It's just really ****** me off. I, as a contractor, joined to do an ASM role. You can't then tell me my role is a technical specialist for an application that no one anywhere else in the world uses. Why would I want to spend my time learning the in depth details of an application that no one uses? It won't make my career/ contract life easier to get a job at all. In fact, I'm better as an ASM! Way better.

So now I'm just ****** off, but can't say anything until I work out my next move. Working from home today, will look at new contracts, but what a complete arse. I hate companies. And people.
Kind of in a tricky situation with my job at the minute. It's a first line support which pays £21k. I feel I can get closer to £24-25k elsewhere. Been here just over 2 years and no real chance of progressing. I passed my A+ test and employer has agreed to pay for Security+ and a Citrix course. I love the company and the people in it but it's the pay that puts me off. Even though I have a Comp. Sci degree, I never felt confident in my development skills hence never looked at that path and would prefer to stay in a support/admin roll. How do you guys find jobs abroad? Any help/advice would be appreciated.

I have been using LinkedIn which I started 2 months ago. It has been working so far for jobs abroad.

On another note, after a quiet few weeks from job interviews I had 3 this week.

Sweden - This was the 2nd Skype interview for an senior IT role, which was an technical interview. Hope I make it to the next stage as I really want this job
Germany - 2nd interview again, I was surprised about as I thought I messed up the first interview from a month ago. Another technical interview, one question I didn't know but I should have known the answer. Abit embarrassing to be honest. This company seems ok, was interviewed by 3 different people within the 1hr and 15mins. Crazy!!
Luxembourg - 1st interview for this one, IT admin role. Pay seems abit low from what they told me but will make me an salary offer if I get the job.

Dont know if this is an main land European thing or because I haven't been for interviews in years but I'm not used to having 2 or 3 interview for the same job, only having one interview and yes/no offer if I got the job or not.
It went well but I wouldn't be fussed if I didn't get it.

Wonder if that means the role isn't for me, odd feeling tbh - the interviewers were not very experienced and it was very poorly structured.

...and still waiting for hear back. Pretty shoddy really, even emailed the person advertising the role and have heard nothing back.

Although work have just informed me that they are putting me through ITIL Foundation and Practitioner which will be nice.

Does anyone have a good ebook or pre-course reading before I get the course providers ebook and pre-course learning? Feel like I should give it my all after they have stumped up the cash to pay for it.
...and still waiting for hear back. Pretty shoddy really, even emailed the person advertising the role and have heard nothing back.

Although work have just informed me that they are putting me through ITIL Foundation and Practitioner which will be nice.

Does anyone have a good ebook or pre-course reading before I get the course providers ebook and pre-course learning? Feel like I should give it my all after they have stumped up the cash to pay for it.

Irrelevant to your question, but I had an interview last week for a job I was pretty eager for and I got a similar impression that the people interviewing didn't seem very experienced at it or well structured, so from that I think I did poorly and won't have got the role.

It only lasted about 45mins, their intros, asked me about current role then straight onto about 4 competency questions. Nothing I could really do would get them into a proper conversation so I feel I didn't really get to demonstrate my strengths apart from where a competency question allowed it.

Annoying really, but maybe it was me as I've not interviewed in 6 years :D
Irrelevant to your question, but I had an interview last week for a job I was pretty eager for and I got a similar impression that the people interviewing didn't seem very experienced at it or well structured, so from that I think I did poorly and won't have got the role.

It only lasted about 45mins, their intros, asked me about current role then straight onto about 4 competency questions. Nothing I could really do would get them into a proper conversation so I feel I didn't really get to demonstrate my strengths apart from where a competency question allowed it.

Annoying really, but maybe it was me as I've not interviewed in 6 years :D

I feel the same way, a poor interviewer really can spoil the whole process and it can reflect badly during their decision making.

Oddly enough just heard back "we will let you know soon" - very tempted to email back saying not to bother as I also feel that I may not have got the role due to the interview being akin to wading though waste deep mud.

Shame but we'll see!
Thank you @malachi I will check it out!

No problem, if you can sign up CBT Nuggets or IT PRO TV and look at their ITIL courses. Also there is this forum too

On another note, I got a call from the job in Sweden on Monday. I have made it through to the 3rd and final interview, they are flying me out next week (good thing I have booked all of December off!) for a face to face interview and a logical test.

I hate logical tests, done plenty in past and never done well. I have never been good with numbers, shapes, etc they throw at you in those types of tests. Only good for people whose brain works in that certain way and mine is technical minded not logical. So I feel abit deflated now about the interview :(
Irrelevant to your question, but I had an interview last week for a job I was pretty eager for and I got a similar impression that the people interviewing didn't seem very experienced at it or well structured, so from that I think I did poorly and won't have got the role.

It only lasted about 45mins, their intros, asked me about current role then straight onto about 4 competency questions. Nothing I could really do would get them into a proper conversation so I feel I didn't really get to demonstrate my strengths apart from where a competency question allowed it.

Annoying really, but maybe it was me as I've not interviewed in 6 years :D

The big difference here is that your references will always be contacted, so half of the interview process is done without you being present.
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