Still a gutter though, no one likes any sort of rejection. On to the next one!
I'm supposed to be on holiday at the moment skiing, but I'm currently working. I pulled my back out anyway, and can't currently walk properly, so skiing is probably out the question.
I met with a potential last night for a CFO with us, as we really need to get someone to look after all of that side of things, I hate it. He was really good. I really got on with him and he had a great understanding of us and our business. I'm going to put together something to see if we can take him on as a part time CFO, if the rest of the board agree. (They normally just go along with me, which is annoying, I like a debate!)
Meeting a guy today about a data scientist role, see what he's like. On paper he looks fantastic, but you never know in reality what that means...
Also, if anyone fancies working their arse off in their spare time for a stake in our amazing business:
Ruby/Rails, AngularJS, Javascript, Webpack, Git, RSpec, Karma, Jasmine
And usual stuffs.
Need more people, too much work, not enough folk.