Think of them as dual purpose.I’ve bought quite a few dog chew toys recently. Why do manufacturers insist on making them all look like sex toys
Think of them as dual purpose.I’ve bought quite a few dog chew toys recently. Why do manufacturers insist on making them all look like sex toys
I’ll be round in 10 minutes
Shall I bring the dogs toys?
Awake...Up what?
what’s up acme? Message me on here if you want to talk or email me.
I was super stressed and generally a mess last week, ended up sleeping past 12 hours and just hoping I could not bother waking up.
Sounds rough. Please do make an appointment to see your doctor and open up to someone in real life about this. Just a conversation can help!
I’ll never be able to know for sure, but I speculate that most people think about suicide from time to time in the context of “what would the aftermath be”. But, apparently, you are in the danger zone if you start contemplating in detail how it would be carried out (which is something most people don’t think about) so if that is the case, and hopefully it is not, then make sure you speak to someone immediately.
I had a paddy at work yesterday because of stress and it turns out that people were then willing to help and listen. So I’m glad I spoke up.
Doing reasonably well (at some cost) to restrain a Newtonian temper provoked by an environment this morning. In the main, due to the prevalence of failure to apply einsteinian proof functions among scientific peers who should know better. "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing," etc. And they have the temerity to imagine themselves Pythagoreans! Good lord.
Home alone for the weekend. Girlfriend visiting her parents to break the news that she's pregnant. Couldn't face the hysterics and drama and squealing, so staying at home playing Red Dead 2 and working my way through a bottle of Wild Turkey.
Will there be shots? Will there be attractive women or just sweaty nerds? Will there be shots?If I organised a meet, would anyone be interested? Probably London, unless there's somewhere else which is better suited?
I'm not allowed outside with people from the internet unless I am going to be abducted. The last few meets I've been on I've always been returned safely and undamaged
There was a SOFA!What were you doing in the ladies toilets?
Of course it was quiet. It was an Eve Online evening. Females don't go to those!
How long ago did you turn it off? It will take ages for them to cool down properly. Hot water inside hot metal.I don't understand why my radiators are still boiling hot when the heating is off :/