This Instant And Moment - 2021!

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This instant and moment the year has changed again as I am now working in a community therapy role. It means driving to houses etc and means the 125cc I bought at the start of the year and have been doing up is now not needed. Doh. Lol.

First time I've had a full time job in 6yrs with college, university, agency and voluntary jobs etc.
I prefer this Station

Edit. Dammit the pic didn’t load. I hate adding pics from my phone.

For reference it was a picture of Station from bill and Ted.
You have a lot to answer for, my wife thought i was a nutter as i was walking around just saying "Station" (Obviously has to be done in the voice of Station)

Overslept and hurried into my morning standup late, only to be grilled about yoga poses. I had no idea what was happening. Then I realised it's also Wednesday not Thursday. Bah.
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