This Instant And Moment - 2022!

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Housemate has been away emergency catsitting for about 10 days now. She's popped home quietly to grab stuff once or twice but otherwise partner and I have been left alone. I've been doing DIY, clearing the kitchen, deep cleaned and descaled both bathrooms as there's no one making a mess, etc etc. It's been great.

About midnight I was walking down the hall and heard a cough from her room. Damn near had a ****ing heart attack :D
I had a housemate coupled called Colin and Natasha. They were rarely seen apart so we referred to them as "Nolin". I would do a literal 14 hour shift and not hear/see a thing, and then he would randomly come downstairs. Think he was nocturnal.
Why is there a load of graffiti in France, Spain and Italy (plus others)?

Second country that I have seen graffiti on a church.

The delights who graffiti the UK don’t daub on churches and other religious buildings.

Heart breaking to see a 16thC church door with tagging on it.
Why is there a load of graffiti in France, Spain and Italy (plus others)?

Second country that I have seen graffiti on a church.

The delights who graffiti the UK don’t daub on churches and other religious buildings.

Heart breaking to see a 16thC church door with tagging on it.
Embrace it and try and understand what they are expressing.
I had a housemate coupled called Colin and Natasha. They were rarely seen apart so we referred to them as "Nolin". I would do a literal 14 hour shift and not hear/see a thing, and then he would randomly come downstairs. Think he was nocturnal.
It's so weird isn't it! Nice big kitchen, lots of space for several people to cook, 2 bathrooms... Housemates only come out when the place is deserted.
Anyone else get moments like this?

I checked one of the Twitter accounts I keep an eye on for information about global military stuff and they mention Sbarro ( ) - I've never even heard of it before, then check one of my local news sites and there is an article about Sbarro ( ) then going through new videos by my YouTube subscriptions and one of them briefly mentions Sbarro... so 3 completely different mentions inside an hour of something I've never heard of before.
I don’t drink what us Brits call tea abroad as 1. The cafe staff don’t know how to make it 2. Usually awful Lipton stuff and 3. When made it myself, the water is usually hard.

But the first tea when returned from holiday is amazing!

Had heard some hilarious things from my fellow tour members when ordered tea:
. Green tea with milk
. Peppermint tea with milk
. Coffee with a tea bag in.

Plus thank you French air traffic control for striking causing chaos for vast majority of European flights - as have to fly over you. Those flights to Greece, Turkey - fly over Belgium, Germany and Italy.
I don’t drink what us Brits call tea abroad as 1. The cafe staff don’t know how to make it 2. Usually awful Lipton stuff and 3. When made it myself, the water is usually hard.

But the first tea when returned from holiday is amazing!

Had heard some hilarious things from my fellow tour members when ordered tea:
. Green tea with milk
. Peppermint tea with milk
. Coffee with a tea bag in.

I work on ships, usually for 3 months at a time, and I take the trouble to bring my own Yorkshire or Tetley teabags with me, as our company only ever supply that Lipton Yellow label crap. Even with 3 bags in a cup, it still comes out **** weak.
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Birthday party today - usually do one every year with a barbecue etc, but haven't since 2019. Bricking it, so much house tidying still to finish!

I work on ships, usually for 3 months at a time, and I take the trouble to bring my own Yorkshire or Tetley teabags with me, as our company only ever supply that Lipton Yellow label crap. Even with 3 bags in a cup, it still comes out **** weak.
A true Brit never travels without the teabags :cool:
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