This Instant And Moment - 2022!

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And, eariler, walking up to the castle, the leaves were coming off the trees. Caught in the wind and sunshine, they wheeled about like a cloud of yellow butterflies.

It's the little miracles that make it a good day to be alive.
Someone has decided this is a good time to have a massive fireworks display, or their shed has gone up with this years stash.

Seems to be a lot of kids messing about with them this year - was driving home about a week ago and there was a bunch of boy racer types thinking it amusing to set fire to a whole box of them at once in a car park I was passing.
Wish fireworks were only for sale for public displays. Plus need a licence.

Buying fireworks for home use is more expensive than going to a firework display. For a decent amount of fireworks at home, you probably need to spend about £80. Whereas going to a firework display entry and a snack for 4 people is going to cost around £55. Plus the person setting off the fireworks at home isn't going to enjoy them as much.
Ah, fireworks.

I remember having duels with mates as a teenager, using rockets- stand at 5 or 10m. Amazingly no-one was seriously injured, probably due to our poor aim.

And the time I launched a BIG rocket out of a drainpipe on my shoulder to show my boy what a cretin I am. That was only a few years back...
Ah, fireworks.

I remember having duels with mates as a teenager, using rockets- stand at 5 or 10m. Amazingly no-one was seriously injured, probably due to our poor aim.

And the time I launched a BIG rocket out of a drainpipe on my shoulder to show my boy what a cretin I am. That was only a few years back...
Rename to CrispyPotatoLord :eek::p.
Still boggles my mind that we have this sort of clarity from zoom cameras on phones. Was drinking a tea in the garden earlier admiring the rays of UV hitting my face when felt like doing a little test.

1x zoom. See the padlock?

100x zoom:

That's not the code of course...
Still boggles my mind that we have this sort of clarity from zoom cameras on phones. Was drinking a tea in the garden earlier admiring the rays of UV hitting my face when felt like doing a little test.

1x zoom. See the padlock?

100x zoom:

That's not the code of course...
Don't suppose you know what padlock that is?
Don't suppose you know what padlock that is?
Can't you zoom in and enhance it,? Turns out I can't :(:p. But I did work out it is an Oria lock available on Amazon for about £11-12. I had to rule out Orla and I tried Orca just to be sure.

Looks about right for something I need where a normal twist padlock would be fiddly and I don't want to keep track of another key.

@mrk To be fair that 100x Zoom looks as good as most of my normal photos on my Sammie A70 that doesnt hold focus since it updated the first time around.
Trick or Treaters ringing on my doorbell and knocking on window at 9pm not on Halloween, **** ***.
Two kids with parent as well.
I switch my doorbell off. As teens want money, not sweets. They can ring on my doorbell constantly and I won't be disturbed. I remember having to work til 11pm on a Halloween a few years ago. Driving home, I saw a parent with 2 children still trick n treating at that time and it was a school day the following day.

Three years ago, a couple of mums came into my work and stole a load of kids Halloween fancy dress on Halloween itself. I saw them later that day coming out of work with the kids wearing the FD. If I wasn't full of cold, I would have gone back into work and mentioned these mums and 5 kids. I just wanted to go home and sleep.

There's a funny photo on a friend's FB page which she shared. It's a front door with various bags of sweets and chocolates taped onto it with a sign saying "take one then **** ***".

A friend's dad has his birthday 10 days before Halloween and he likes Lindor chocolates - gets at least a box of them. He keeps the wrappers then wraps a brussel sprout in each one. The trick n treaters here always carry a bucket or similar to put sweets in. When kids answer the door, he throws in one or two 'Lindors' into each bucket. With the combination of kids unknowing where they went (helps too as its dark) and not eat their haul of sweets until they get home or later in the week. So no backlash, so far.

It's the teens we ban from buying eggs and flour as chuck them onto homes and cars. I stopped a pair a few years ago "oh we are making pancakes". "On people's houses and cars" I said and took eggs and flour off them. At a previous property, my ground floor flat got egged - me and ex were working at the time and its pretty disgusting removing this on your window.
I switch my doorbell off. As teens want money, not sweets. They can ring on my doorbell constantly and I won't be disturbed. I remember having to work til 11pm on a Halloween a few years ago. Driving home, I saw a parent with 2 children still trick n treating at that time and it was a school day the following day.

Three years ago, a couple of mums came into my work and stole a load of kids Halloween fancy dress on Halloween itself. I saw them later that day coming out of work with the kids wearing the FD. If I wasn't full of cold, I would have gone back into work and mentioned these mums and 5 kids. I just wanted to go home and sleep.

There's a funny photo on a friend's FB page which she shared. It's a front door with various bags of sweets and chocolates taped onto it with a sign saying "take one then **** ***".

A friend's dad has his birthday 10 days before Halloween and he likes Lindor chocolates - gets at least a box of them. He keeps the wrappers then wraps a brussel sprout in each one. The trick n treaters here always carry a bucket or similar to put sweets in. When kids answer the door, he throws in one or two 'Lindors' into each bucket. With the combination of kids unknowing where they went (helps too as its dark) and not eat their haul of sweets until they get home or later in the week. So no backlash, so far.

It's the teens we ban from buying eggs and flour as chuck them onto homes and cars. I stopped a pair a few years ago "oh we are making pancakes". "On people's houses and cars" I said and took eggs and flour off them. At a previous property, my ground floor flat got egged - me and ex were working at the time and its pretty disgusting removing this on your window.

I don’t mind them on actual Halloween, it’s the wrong day and time and knocking on window that really ****** me off.
Here is the padlock!

Word of warning, make sur eyou don't accidentally muck about and change the code then close the lock up and move the numbers, otherwise you will end up having to buy another one like I did.
@mrk To be fair that 100x Zoom looks as good as most of my normal photos on my Sammie A70 that doesnt hold focus since it updated the first time around.
Consider that this 100x zoom is 90x digital zoom too! Phone has 10x optical zoom but anything beyond that is computational photography. Look back at digital zoom from just a year earlier, the S21 Ultra 100x was half alright, the clarity was nowhere near as detailed!

I've noticed that a new update to Samsung's Expert RAW app now has a built in Astro Photo mode where you can tell it to stack photos together, it also overlays a handy skymap of the constellations, stars and planets for easy viewfinder composition too or just to see what planet you are looking at which is cool:


Looking forward to trying this out!
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Word of warning, make sur eyou don't accidentally muck about and change the code then close the lock up and move the numbers, otherwise you will end up having to buy another one like I did.

Is it proofed against the flaw most combination locks have? where you can put tension on it to work out when the dials are freely moving.
Caught man-flu from kids Softplay on Tuesday. So I have been a little under the weather last 2 days. The wife was on nights tonight but came home around midnight, woke me, she was sent home as she was sick at work. 20 mins later our eldest lad woke up, and threw up all over his bed (missed his bin), floor, and lots of his Lego. So the last 3 hours I have been washing 4 loads of clothes, towels (had to mop up somehow), bedding, duvets, soaking a tub of Lego. Just now the wife threw up in the bathroom sink and I had to finger the chunks down the plug hole.

So yeah!. Awesome night. Feel like *****.

Oh, I have put an absorbent bed mat (for kids wee accidents) on the lads bed to hopefully soak the wetness of the sick. I have put heavy items on it to help it do its thing. Any other tips to rid the wetness and the obvious smell that will remain once dry?
Was stopped in a shop car park today - someone parked badly, then someone else comes along and parks right by them despite being like 20 free spaces around the vehicle in that area, let alone the rest of the car park being half empty... then the other driver comes back and can't properly get into their drivers side door so the two of them get into a heated argument...

As if that wasn't bad enough - a nearby garage uses (I assume with permission) part of the car park as an overflow, transporter pulls up and starts going through the process of setting up to load it and someone comes along and parks 2-3 bays along blocking the ramp... transporter driver gives them a bit of a glare but they don't get the hint or don't care and start walking off - cue another back and forth...

I just had to sit there face palming for a couple of minutes :s
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