I switch my doorbell off. As teens want money, not sweets. They can ring on my doorbell constantly and I won't be disturbed. I remember having to work til 11pm on a Halloween a few years ago. Driving home, I saw a parent with 2 children still trick n treating at that time and it was a school day the following day.
Three years ago, a couple of mums came into my work and stole a load of kids Halloween fancy dress on Halloween itself. I saw them later that day coming out of work with the kids wearing the FD. If I wasn't full of cold, I would have gone back into work and mentioned these mums and 5 kids. I just wanted to go home and sleep.
There's a funny photo on a friend's FB page which she shared. It's a front door with various bags of sweets and chocolates taped onto it with a sign saying "take one then **** ***".
A friend's dad has his birthday 10 days before Halloween and he likes Lindor chocolates - gets at least a box of them. He keeps the wrappers then wraps a brussel sprout in each one. The trick n treaters here always carry a bucket or similar to put sweets in. When kids answer the door, he throws in one or two 'Lindors' into each bucket. With the combination of kids unknowing where they went (helps too as its dark) and not eat their haul of sweets until they get home or later in the week. So no backlash, so far.
It's the teens we ban from buying eggs and flour as chuck them onto homes and cars. I stopped a pair a few years ago "oh we are making pancakes". "On people's houses and cars" I said and took eggs and flour off them. At a previous property, my ground floor flat got egged - me and ex were working at the time and its pretty disgusting removing this on your window.