This Instant And Moment - 2024!

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Just on a delayed train home from London. It’s made me remember why I seldom do it.

Currently 25 mins delayed, will miss my connection.

£77 for the privilege too :( (For an anytime day return)
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Just sent my dad home after he helped for a few days with some DIY. He got bitten by something at 7am in the garden and his arm was slowly swelling up. So he decided to drive the 2-3 hours home in case he needed A&E :rolleyes:

We did call 111 first and they didn't offer him an appointment anywhere so he left in a huff TBF.

Now on the sofa pretty dead. Stressful few days arguing with an 80 yr old about basic DIY...
Very pleased to see my first lizard of the year in the garden. I assumed the cat had killed them all.

It's on the bin lid.

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Perhaps you should keep your adorable little native wildlife killing invasive predator indoors where it belongs... :)

e; truth hurts I guess...
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Just doing a small training session in preparedness to service an appliance on a customer site which has 2PB of storage (90x22TB drives)
Some mornings I wake up so tired and question if my working pattern is right for me but then when I remember I have 3 days off it feels good.
Lemme guess, 12hr shifts?

I know a security guard at a DC that does 16hr shifts :eek:

No. 9.25h x4. But it's flexitime so no set hours, I generally do 745-1730.
I think I preferred having Wednesday as my non working day. Might go back to that as it was better for mentally in terms of using that time for learning as my brain was very much "this is a work day".
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Warframe is doing my absolute head in because just when you think you are having an 'ah!' moment it turns out be an "ah ****' moment but other than that life is good, Thursday has been pretty great (I am posting from the future), tomorrow will probably be excellent too and then into the weekend and woah, there we go!
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