This is why people are losing respect for the police...

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Unbelievable situation.

Had a discussion about this country being third world rating - guess this just shows that it is another example of it.

Mob handed on protestors but don’t attend incidents that involves life and death.

There was no respect to police now there should be active abolishment of policing and think again what tax payer are paying for.

If you think the UK is third-world now, abolishing the police will be a real eye-opener for you.
I think police commissioners need to be abolished (we aren't America, stop it) so that the Home Secretary actually does their job instead of using the police for photo ops.
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I think police commissioners need to be abolished (we aren't America, stop it) so that the Home Secretary actually does their job instead of using the police for photo ops.

The pccs are nothing but wannabe politicians. Absolute waste of resources and never should have been brought in to being. Ours is utterly feckless and wasn't even voted in.
The pccs are nothing but wannabe politicians. Absolute waste of resources and never should have been brought in to being. Ours is utterly feckless and wasn't even voted in.
They also IIRC have virtually no actual power over the police and many of them don't seem to understand anything about what the role involved (going by the number that were promising things they couldn't touch).

They are however a nice place for a politician to try and get a start in a more visible role than the local town council.
They also IIRC have virtually no actual power over the police and many of them don't seem to understand anything about what the role involved (going by the number that were promising things they couldn't touch).

They are however a nice place for a politician to try and get a start in a more visible role than the local town council.

Ah, you must know Kim! That describes her perfectly. She's an absolute and utter waste of space, well, unless you count turning up for photo ops with various minorities then she's all over it like a rash.
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And Nurses :p
Renal nurses, they're ******* crazy at our place too. Had a massive argument with one not too long back, she was a wild eyed lunatic, screaming and shouting whilst I remained polite and calm- which just wound her up even more. Got to the point where, when we got the patient back to the ward, she was jumping around waving a headboard over her head and shouting something about wheels.

1-nil to me!
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What a total jobsworth... Like I can understand that he's not a real police officer etc.. just a PCSO but they're able to attend incidents and detain people all the same + merely turning up in the car might help somewhat. Instead, he's just sat there parked while earning taxpayers money for... doing sweet FA.
Link and run? Any actual discussion and understanding what happened over and above the Daily Fail headline?

At a guess - the accused was non-compliant, aggressive and deemed to self harm so they had to place her in the cell and swap her clothing for anti-rip garments designed so that a person cannot make a ligature from it (which they could do with their own clothes)

What's your understanding of it?
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Link and run? Any actual discussion and understanding what happened over and above the Daily Fail headline?

At a guess - the accused was non-compliant, aggressive and deemed to self harm so they had to place her in the cell and swap her clothing for anti-rip garments designed so that a person cannot make a ligature from it (which they could do with their own clothes)

What's your understanding of it?
Where is the full Video ?
At times i do have other things to do
To this one i will Reply when the Police do

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