This is why people are losing respect for the police...

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The police will pay him off with a quite large sum because they have royally ****ed up.

This is what happens at your "generally peaceful" Palestine rallies when they reach Trafalgar Square.....

One event is not proof that they many dozens of protests haven't been peaceful and clearly the police have assumed (probably because of intel/it being at night) that could end up violent thus have resourced themselves for it.

How often do football ultras instigate violence? Forgive me for thinking the police might know their audience.
A comment from the magistrates blog I linked to earlier..

This is where police officers and CPS lawyers etc. should be held personally responsible and sanctioned in some form, at least to the sum of the cost to reimburse the public coffers. I know you should never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence. However, these people are meant to have studied, passed exams, have the qualifications, gathered experience and applied this to their job. May be they should concern themselves with the protesters who clearly break the law with their placards, slogans and behaviour rather then going after soft targets.
How often do football ultras instigate violence? Forgive me for thinking the police might know their audience.

But you always see the Police rushing them with batons raised, then in comes the horses.......

What about the before video? What about the Police forcing groups into a corner?

Why do you never see this at normal BLM/Palestinian Marches when there has been many times it has turned nasty. The only thing the Police say is " We have the evidence we will arrest them later " While standing around doing *** all at the time
Those with a history violence get 'preventative' justice.
Sounds like you're supporting the MET stopping any black guy in an expensive car, prejudice and preventative justice right, maybe ban Muslims wearing coats, can't be too careful and while we're at it keep the Jews at least 500 yards from any bank or media organisation because, well you know.
Sounds like you're supporting the MET stopping any black guy in an expensive car, prejudice and preventative justice right, maybe ban Muslims wearing coats, can't be too careful and while we're at it keep the Jews at least 500 yards from any bank or media organisation because, well you know.
Sounds like Britain to me.

Tommy won his court case

Such an own goal, utter clowns in the Met and CPS. He's going to milk it again when he either wins a settlement or a civil case - I didn't realise he'd been banned from London for 6 months too because of the incident - he's citing things like not being able to take his kid to see the Christmas lights, not being able to interview an MP in London (he's claiming he's a journalist). So it's not just the wrongful arrest and pepper spray incident but he's potentially got other damages to claim for there too.

Also a bit dodgy that so many didn't have bodycam footage available for the case - that's something people ought to be concerned about in general, if multiple police officers are able to conveniently lose their bodycam footage or claim it's been recorded over then that really undermines them.

That indicates the system for logging that footage isn't anywhere near as robust as it should be and could be a big issue in other cases where the police have been corrupt or racist etc.

I think Tommy Robinson is an idiot, the main reason he's got to become famous and the reason he keeps on being able to appear all over the media/social media is because of failings from people in power - by not addressing rape gangs for so long he was able to initially gain fame for his marches/campaigning on the issue. Now he's made a name for himself because of that issue he's been able to continually milk publicity as a result of constantly playing the victim and the police just carry on giving him all the ammunition he needs.
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True, very true, but at least he's got the balls to highlight the horrific failings of the police, councils et al, whether he's doing it for attention or genuine concern.
I mean if he didn't bring all this to the forefront then nothing would get done about the above, and we'd all be worse off.
If one less child (I repeat, child) falls victim to the rape gangs or the police are reigned in for malpractise, then it's no bad thing imo.
But ymmv.
I think any time body camera footage isn't available for a criminal case then it should be thrown out.

There are too many cops purposely turning the camera off when they are upto no good. I'm not saying these cops did it. But there are plenty of times it's happened.
Why do you never see this at normal BLM/Palestinian Marches when there has been many times it has turned nasty. The only thing the Police say is " We have the evidence we will arrest them later " While standing around doing *** all at the time

when were all these Palestinian marches where it all kicked off ? in Gideon's head - the Gazan incidents which the IRD is investigating are numerous though;
( todays interview with UK surgeon in the Gazan hospitals and c4 IRD soldier interview just damning about Israel's behaviour./lies )
Not a fan of TR either but something stinks. Run riot in Trafalgar Square if you’re protesting something the police are scared of but get kettled if you are from a “brainwrong” group they don’t like.

The horse charging looks antagonistic to me. I’d like to see all the footage for context rather than the short clips circulating now.
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