This is why people are losing respect for the police...

27 Dec 2003
but he had many options available to him and if they are in control of weapons they shouldn't let someone get close enough to punch them.
taser or baton them, cs gas whatever

did they actually have firearms or just tasers?

They are all firearms officers apart from the woman holding her face

You can see the 9mms strapped to their legs
31 Aug 2021
Click on the Twitter share link and paste it into the media link on here.

Theres plenty of what you wanted to share and worse, but it seems to get shut down very quickly on forums and elsewhere, it's almost like some people don't want to see whats to come.
21 Mar 2005
3 officers assaulted, resisting a police search, violently resisting arrest, how far do you need to go?
Rochdale riots incoming.
Shows have far things have gone really, such a mess.

Re riots I think London is best to be avoided this Saturday...
22 Nov 2005

Edit, how do you embed a tweet link? Ty.
they had to kick his head in to steal his bike?

I've got a really expensive mountain bike and worry about riding it these days honestly, it would be so easy to trap cyclists on the waggon ways people use in Newcastle, you can go a few miles without seeing an exit on some of them and feral kids ride motorbikes etc on them too, mostly white chavs it seems .

Crimes seem to have a habit of getting 0 media attention too.

some migrant tried to drag a young teenage lass into some bushes near a metro station up here and I only saw it mentioned once in the local paper..

It makes me wonder how much serious crime is happening in other cities but no one ever hears about it.. It's almost like they are trying to keep how lawless Britain is some kind of a secret.

every single day someone seems to be getting stabbed, it's such a horrific crime IMO and should be automatically attempted murder..

Back in the 90s it felt like attacking someone with a hammer or stabbing someone was always attempted murder? these days they get pathetic charges and pathetic sentences.

anyone involved in an attack with a weapon should serve a long time, the same goes for stamping on peoples heads.

The courts or CPS are pathetic though.

There was a guy recently who attacked someone with a hammer and stamped on the guy.
For pleading guilty it was claimed the hammer was only in his hand and never used, and he never stamped on the guy.

On Friday, the pair appeared at Newcastle Crown Court to be sentenced for their involvement. Aaron was sentenced for assault occasioning actual bodily harm and possession of an offensive weapon -the hammer. Kyle was sentenced for common assault.

The brothers entered guilty pleas to the offences on the day their trial was due to begin. The basis of plea was that "no kicking or stamping or use of the hammer" occurred.
absolute madness, I hope someone absolutely batters them tbh

In mitigation, Christopher Knox, for Aaron Freeman, said that the hammer was not used directly as part of the violence and he had shown remorse. Recorder Herrmann said that he believed the remorse he had shown was "genuine". He added: "The offence was committed at a particularly difficult time, having lost your mother you had cared for. You had not yet started grieving." Recorder Herrmann said Kyle Freeman was "remorseful for your involvement" and had allowed himself "to be dragged along in the situation".

Aaron Freeman, of Bamburgh Terrace, Ashington, was given nine months prison, suspended for 18 months and must complete 35 rehabilitation days. Kyle Freeman, of College Road, Ashington, was given a 12 month conditional discharge.
got get a hammer to attack someone who clapped you, get your big brother to gelp....

get pathetic sentences even though it was premeditated

was given nine months prison, suspended for 18 months
mean it's basically a non sentence as long as he keeps out of trouble for 18months?

I thought that was called Conditional discharge? or something like that?
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22 Nov 2005
Seems Reform lot have taken over, they want the world to be like it use to be in their prime. In denial that world has changed and their time is running out.
no one is embracing these changes surely

We are becoming like Brazil or somewhere where you can't walk the streets without someone robbing you.

I'm sure there are a lot of reasons to vote Reform that don't directly involve immigration.

I'm not convinced its not just another party of self serving grifters personally, and Farage seems to be a narcist who likes being in the limelight and will be another Boris or sunak, the invisible PMs

The lack of prisons and pathetic sentencing seems to be harming the country more than immigration itself, we could have immigration and still feel safe.
but I'd like some limits and anyone coming on a boat auto never getting the right to remain..

We probably need a total pause and get 10 years to get our own house in order before we entertain more guests.

all the housing is gone, hotels full, about the only thing left is student accommodation, then the wealthier people will feel immigration as much as the poorer members of society
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10 Jan 2009
no one is embracing these changes surely

We are becoming like Brazil or somewhere where you can't walk the streets without someone robbing you.

I'm sure there are a lot of reasons to vote Reform that don't directly involve immigration.

I'm not convinced its not just another party of self serving grifters personally, and Farage seems to be a narcist who likes being in the limelight and will be another Boris or sunak, the invisible PMs

The lack of prisons and pathetic sentencing seems to be harming the country more than immigration itself
I lived in a country where you are constantly looking over your shoulder who is going to rob you or when you are in a car who is going to car jack you........UK is nothing like that. And I've lived in London for over 20 years.
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22 Nov 2005
I lived in a country where you are constantly looking over your shoulder who is going to rob you or when you are in a car who is going to car jack you........UK is nothing like that. And I've lived in London for over 20 years.
depends what part you live in though surely. and you no doubt avoid the areas with poverty, some of us amazingly live in these areas and don't feel as safe as we did say 10 years ago, mainly due to court sentences being non existent
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27 Jul 2009
depends what part you live in though surely. and you no doubt avoid the areas with poverty, some of us amazingly live in these areas and don't feel as safe as we did say 10 years ago, mainly due to court sentences being non existent
It goes far deeper than that.
Society is rotten.
The ‘underclass’ (doesn’t exist according to some on here) pose the biggest threat where I live.
As you said chavs on (stolen) bikes.
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