This is why people are losing respect for the police...

22 Nov 2005
Yeah other women not men
so your saying they should stop recruiting women then? they can't choose what sex calls to attend.

if I kick a cat or a dog, is it worse if its female or male?

in my mind sex shouldn't be a deciding factor in anything yet we see it all the time.
I'll make exception when it comes to women's safety, but to me that would also likely mean no female responders anyway and no women on the front line. if they are as strong as a man by all means put yourself in harms way if you wish.
but the others are not capable of enforcing anything without a bunch of men with them anyway, we go from 2 cops responding, to about 4, just because one is a woman.
not very efficient policing is it, especially when the forces are already stretched pretty thinly.

It's basically putting the public at risk to appease the far left, it actually makes me wonder how many of these women end up taking loads of time off because of PTSD or never return to the job again.

No doubt a lot of them realise they made a mistake and can't really hack it.

probably loads of the men too judging by some of the coppers I've seen, reducing the requirements was a big mistake imo
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15 Oct 2019
I grew up in a really really terrible area.
A brand new council estate built around the 80s that became a massive dumping ground for problem families.

So I grew up with kids who ended up as career criminals.
they started crime about 12/13 shoplifting, by the time they were 14/15 they were stealing motor bikes, cars, robbing houses etc

Never once did I ever hear of anyone being beaten by the police, even though they would have deserved it.

I got arrested a few times for minor things and was known to the police/CID
I was always treated well, they were never heavy handed etc when applying the cuffs and always seemed like nice people just doing a job tbh

Maybe with adults they would be different but I doubt it.

sometimes the police would come to the farmland where we would ride stolen motorbikes and just be friendly with us like they were checking in and then leave.

better to be entertained than to be committing crime I guess.
When I was 11 I got arrested and the copper clubbed me over the head with his radio a few times despite the fact I was face down on the floor and not trying to resist.
27 Dec 2003
If it doesnt matter that female officers were assaulted because at end of the day they are all just officers

Then why does it matter the offenders where muslim? They were just scum at end of the day
27 Dec 2003
so your saying they should stop recruiting women then? they can't choose what sex calls to attend
Where have i said they shouldnt be doing the job!

The problem is thugs didn't care about smashing up a female officer and now we shpuld all feel sorry that an officer went overboard and put a boot in
22 Nov 2005
Then why does it matter the offenders where muslim? They were just scum at end of the day
I'd argue it does matter they are Muslim.
IF they kicked off purely because a male police officer did something like touch a female without permission

That's not how our society really works is it.

Should be no excuse for physical violence against an officer anyway, but the police response should be proportionate which I don't believe was the case.

a lot of tax payers money is likely headed to the family even though IMO they don't deserve it, if they behaved like normal human beings then the whole incident could have been avoided
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27 Dec 2003
22 Nov 2005
So officer uses tool made available to him?
but what was the justification for using it? just because the other guy had the audacity to question whatever the officers were trying to accomplish?

it doesnt seem like the guy was about to become violent.

too many officers think it's their job to tell people what to do without any discussion taking place, sometimes their commands aren't even legal in the first place and they do get the law wrong.

see it all the time on those police audit videos (them getting it wrong, not the violence) people have even been arrested wrongly and given compensation during their "police audits"

The first comment seems to explain why in this case, abusing a law
Arrested under section 43 of the terrorism act which is legislation used for searching someone who they have reasonable grounds to search. No wonder he won £6k with morons like this in the police farce.

Cops seem to lose it whenever people question their authority, seems like they have 0 patience or understanding.

It's almost like they don't know what to do when the script they are reading from runs out
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27 Jul 2009
If it doesnt matter that female officers were assaulted because at end of the day they are all just officers

Then why does it matter the offenders where muslim? They were just scum at end of the day
It mattered a great deal acually.
The situation escalated quickly because the police requested to search a Muslim woman and offence was taken to this by the men in her group. That is how the fight started initially.
22 Nov 2005
It mattered a great deal acually.
The situation escalated quickly because the police requested to search a Muslim woman and offence was taken to this by the men in her group. That is how the fight started initially.
hopefully they get 16k and have to stop claiming benefits, assuming they are which lets be honest is likely....
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27 Jul 2009
It's not going to change the unlawful use of force.
I was horrified by the footage intially until I realised that 3 airport Police officers had already been injured by the attackers, requiring hospital treatment.
The police in the attack were firearms officers, under NO circumstances is it acceptable for these officers to be over powered and loose control of their weapons.
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22 Nov 2005
I was horrified by the footage intially until I realised that 3 airport Police officers had already been injured by the attackers, requiring hospital treatment.
The police in the attack were firearms officers, under NO circumstances is it acceptable for these officers to be over powered and loose control of their weapons.
but he had many options available to him and if they are in control of weapons they shouldn't let someone get close enough to punch them.
taser or baton them, cs gas whatever

did they actually have firearms or just tasers?
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27 Jul 2009
but he had many options available to him and if they are in control of weapons they shouldn't let someone get close enough to punch them.
tazer or baton them, cs gas whatever
Yes, probably shooting the attacker was the ‘option’ has was most qualified to do in this situation.
As I’ve said a firearms officer absolutely cannot get into grappling range with a potential threat - especially in a place like an airport.
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