This is why people are losing respect for the police...

22 Nov 2005
The ‘underclass’ (doesn’t exist according to some on here) pose the biggest threat where I live.
As you said chavs on (stolen) bikes.
yea because white poverty is ignored, there's no poor white people apparently, the areas get almost no investment and poor schools, so the cycle just repeats and seemingly now gets worse with every generation.

Was it Sunak who diverted funds from poor areas to tory majority voting affluent places? I'm pretty sure it was, we need a good uprising, with enough immigrants it's going to happen at some point, I should be welcoming them because without it the country will never change.

English people are too down trodden and just don't have the energy, time or money to fight for a better future.

I wish MPs were forced to live in their constituency mine lives about 20 miles away because the person doesn't want to live here clearly.
they dont have a clue what the area is like, I bet they only came here to take a photo for twitter and leave.

they don't listen to the voters anyway and they are forced to tow the party line... so it's almost like why bother voting?
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22 Nov 2005
Sorry but that's not plausible at all, there's no way a cyst on the brain just magically appeared the day after because of the injury

Could have been there the whole time accotrding to a quick google
Brain cysts are not truly “brain tumors” because they do not arise from the brain tissue itself. Although they tend to be benign (non-cancerous), they are sometimes found in parts of the brain that control vital functions. Many cysts are formed before birth and slowly grow over the course of years.

oops meant to edit that into my above post...
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27 Sep 2004
Police forces must be sick of walking on egg shells. What can they do when the media and twitter mob come after them for doing their jobs? A bit heavy handed yes but a heightened situation with officers injured, firearms involved and suspects unwilling to comply.. Perhaps they should kick heads more often in these circumstances, we might have less crime.

They can dish it out but they can’t take it.
29 Jan 2008
Could have been there the whole time accotrding to a quick google

Yup, and that's the issue I was highlighting re: the newspaper article, it's presented without context leading people to draw thier own conclusions and for the average man in the street many might then link it to the assault.

OMG no way a cyst was found, must have been the police.

It was either there all along or something else is being mistaken for one.

Ironically even just highlighting that issue has led to two other posters on here quoting me having still drawn that flawed conclusion and sticking with it. This is why sloppy journalism/omitting important context or not asking obvious follow-up questions can be so misleading.
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22 Nov 2005
Yup, and that's the issue I was highlighting re: the newspaper article, it's presented without context leading people to draw thier own conclusions and for the average man in the street many might then link it to the assault.

OMG no way a cyst was found, must have been the police.

It was either there all along or something else is being mistaken for one.

Ironically even just highlighting that issue has led to two other posters on here quoting me having still drawn that flawed conclusion and sticking with it. This is why sloppy journalism/omitting important context or not asking obvious follow-up questions can be so misleading.

seems it depends what type of cyst it is though
Arachnoid cysts are the most common type of brain cyst. They are often congenital, or present at birth (primary arachnoid cysts). Head injury or trauma can also result in a secondary arachnoid cyst. The cysts are fluid-filled sacs, not tumors.

The likely cause is a split of the arachnoid membrane, one of the three layers of tissue that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord.

doesnt sound that dangerous

Arachnoid Cyst Treatment​

Arachnoid cysts — even large ones — that do not cause symptoms or put pressure on the brain or spinal cord do not require treatment.

The main goal of arachnoid cyst treatment is to drain fluid from the cyst and relieve pressure. This can be accomplished through several treatment options:

Arachnoid cysts are the most common type of brain cyst. They get their name from the arachnoid membrane that covers the brain and spinal cord. The cysts can occur in the brain or spinal canal. Arachnoid cysts affect approximately 3 in 100 people, but most will never know they have one because they often go undetected.

people in this thread have one and don't even know, so yea, the odds are it was already there.
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27 Dec 2009
Police forces must be sick of walking on egg shells. What can they do when the media and twitter mob come after them for doing their jobs? A bit heavy handed yes but a heightened situation with officers injured, firearms involved and suspects unwilling to comply.. Perhaps they should kick heads more often in these circumstances, we might have less crime.

They can dish it out but they can’t take it.

Most people would probably be quite comfortable with significant force being used by the police (including lethal firearms) to stop/subdue someone who is carrying out an attack or posing an actual live threat to others. But once the police have that person cuffed and under control, further violence does seem hard to justify. Especially if it turns out to be revenge (e.g. I kicked him in the head after cuffing him because he had just put my mate in hospital).

Even if we are talking about an actual murderer being arrested, is it really acceptable these days for them to "fall down the stairs" whilst in the back of the van on the way to custody?
17 Dec 2009
I’d love it if the people who espouse the benefits of police brutality, face it erroneously, after being mistaken for a wrongun.

The squeals of protest and shock would be delightful music to the ears of civil rights activists who understand that the violence of the state must be controlled and held to a far higher standard than your average man on the street.

Sadly it’s unlikely, as those who sit behind their keyboards cheering horrendous state abuse very rarely touch grass.
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