This man tried to kill my brother

Suprising that hasn't happened. I think soon enough there will be a big backlash against these asbo hoody scum that lurk the streets, I'll probably be one of them that wipes them out! :D
Tried&Tested said:
December 2003: Jailed for 6 years.

Should still be in prison.
Sadly not my friend. If he was sentence in December 2003, he would have been sentenced under the 2003 Criminal Justice Act.

If you get a 6 year sentence, you can be out of jail in a quarter of that. 3/4 of your sentence will be served in the community.

Welcome to labours plans for reducing prison overcrowding.
ojo said:
Ahhh Purple Aki - olympic bodybuilder and can outrun any kid on the planet (a Bodybuilder who can run fast?). He follows you about, bums you and kills you. He is so black he is purple... heared 'em all before. Everybody's bro has been threatened by Purple Aki!

Okay he does exist but he is not the legend people make out :p

i guess when my brother was in court fighting a case against him we all imagined it then ;)
We should have a competition.. First one to take a candid snap of Aki gets.. Err, an E-cookie. If you get a photo taken with Purple Aki then I'll personally give you a tenner.
lol i think every town has a freak like this come cross country time

we had some nutter whod come to the back of the school field in black and a scream mask.

one time he supposedly chased a PE teacher with a machete , a full squad of police guys in armour looking like theyd came straight out of robocop or summit came

wish we had video phones back in those days , would have got some truly amazing footage of the things that went on at school
Haha guess who just saw Purple Aki :P.

I was in *Competitor* with my buddy Nick (component and electrical bits shop on edge lane for anyone that knows liverpool) and as we joined the queue to pay I thought 'that's a rather large bloke'. Then I realised that I had forgotten a case fan so turned round to walk to the back of the store to get it. About 5 ft along the way my buddy Nick said "You know who that was.. It was purple Aki", and I thought he was taking the ****, alas though he was not. I peered coyly over a shelf and looked him in the eye. Aki is a big mother. Anyway he didn't touch my bummy bum bum.
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