Those who shout abuse at retail workers

"I know it's not your fault" and then proceed to try and rip you a new one about.
That was something I always enjoyed about security work, people thought they could treat us like other public facing roles and got a shock when told to "**** off" and then got the same response from the owner when they had a paddy about it :D
Those who bleat the awful “the customer is always right” phrase are 99% in the wrong!

I can vouch for that, I picked a guy up at Citibank Canary Wharf once, who asked for London Bridge station, I didn’t think that it was my place to tell him that it was 3 stops from Canary Wharf on the Jubilee Line.
He then asked to go along Commercial Road, through The City, and over London Bridge.
I told him it would be 6 or 7 minutes quicker and about £5.00 cheaper to go through Rotherhithe Tunnel, but he was adamant that he wanted to go over the bridge.
Customer’s always right? Yeah right.
Worked in retail on and off I total for maybe 5 years. Anyone beat 2 aboriginals ******* and ******** inside the off licence I worked in while in Darwin:cry:

laugh along with it, go with the flow and don’t take life too seriously would be my tips. I could share at least 10 stories similar to the above but sure you get the general idea.
Imagine working in retail

If all the people whop shopped there where like me it could be fun but they are not so no thank you.

Dealing with the public can be difficult and some times the staff are not going to have a big cheesy grin on their faces but I like to think I bring joy and not in an inappropriate way.

David Michell on Customer service
Most of the issues such as fuel shortages, delivery issues, etc - the workers have no control over these.

I work at a supermarket where customers are getting ruder and we are now classed as the invisible key workers.

Like with many employers, people are leaving and not replaced at all or fully. This is causing unnecessary stress.

Wish the general public understand what we are going through. Those who shout at the staff are one of the lowest of the low. Shows that they have never worked in retail or a role involving customers/general public.

Due to staff not being replaced, customers shouting at us for things we can’t change, I had panic attacks (which are made worse by people staring at me), taken a couple of days off to help me and on antidepressants. Plus seriously considering leaving retail. Have submitted my CV to various companies.

There are some really delightful customers which make our days. Though get some horrible customers who tut over everything esp slow elderly customers. One time (just before the selfish buying) a man threw the shopping of a woman in her late 80s (guessing) onto the next till and shouted at her to pack here. This naturally upsetted her, the colleagues that witnessed it - including me. A manager heard this and the man was asked to leave and was banned.

I would like to see customers who hurled abuse at us to have what they said playbacked at them. If they don’t respond in an apologetic or embarrassed manner, they are just nasty.

This isn’t a whinge post, but a post about the stresses retail workers are going through. It doesn’t matter what retailer people are working at, the problems are the similar.

Everyone should work in retail, esp December. I’m certainly not looking forward to this. Esp when got two leaving this month and another retiring end of next month. We hardly get temporary staff.

Well said. It's alright the suits up at head office (who've most probabbly never been on the shopfloor in their lives putting signs up and announcements in the instore radio (i call it propaganda becuase they never say anything negative like in the company magazines which I call Propaganda Pages) asking customers to be patient but it's only a matter of time before a customer runs out of patience and blames the nearest shopfloor staff and even demands to see the manager.
I hadn't realised just how much snobbery existed around which supermarkets people frequent until recently. I was in Lidl and met a female acquaintance of my wife. She spent five minutes giving me a garbled excuse as to why she had to be in Lidl and not the new Sainsbury store. It was quite nauseous and pathetic. All fur coat and no knickers as my dad used to say.

I really appreciate what retail workers have done for us all during the pandemic, if our GP's had been employed to be behind the supermarket tills and in the warehouses we'd all have been eating rats.

It's rather odd that we got classed as key workers as soon as the pandemic hit British shores, leaving me furloughed twice (FURLOUGH IS NOT A CHOICE. IT'S FORCED ON YOU WHETHER YOU WANT IT OR NOT AND NOT EVERYBODY ON FURLOUGH'RE LAZY AND DON'T WANT TO GO BACK TO WORK. Take it from somebody who's been furloughed
Spot the bad karma:-
I was working a pallet on a Friday afternnon and all the tills were busy. An old woman storms up to me and has a right go at me as if it's my fault. I went round the back to have a word with the boss about it (there was nobody else available and there were only so many tills in the place). I go back to get on with what i was doing and the same old woman has another go at me until one of the crew comes over and has a go at her in the same way back. naturtally she dumped HER shopping and stormed out of the shop with the usual speil about writing to head office (If it was up to me she would have been putting every single item back herself first)*
*anybody spot the bad karma?

(If you can spot the similarity between the running joke in a certain episode of The Young Ones and guess the episode, you're right)..
It actually happened:-
They just left me and the rest of the crew worrying about our jobs after we found out that they were pulling out of the UK (there were no rumours or anything said to us about it. Theyjust left us in the lurch without so much as a goodbye and thanks). The place was closing down (but taken over by somebody else) and I had to put posters up around the shop and in the windows and people would come up to me, despite seeing the posters, and ask me when the place was closing and reopening
I've seen incidents that'd put The Jeremy Kyle Show to shame.
Last year there was a fight outside the shop (not between customers) that spilled into the shop and then back outside and the last major kick off I witnessed involved the same shoplifte twice in the same night so we had to close the shop early and not anybody else in.

On Thursday night, a home service delivery driver had a go at the manager.
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Those who bleat the awful “the customer is always right” phrase are 99% in the wrong!

It's an insane phrase. I mean that literally. Anyone who believes it is insane. It's a ludicrous denial of reality.

I hadn't realised just how much snobbery existed around which supermarkets people frequent until recently. I was in Lidl and met a female acquaintance of my wife. She spent five minutes giving me a garbled excuse as to why she had to be in Lidl and not the new Sainsbury store. It was quite nauseous and pathetic. All fur coat and no knickers as my dad used to say. [..]

There's a phrase I haven't heard for a while.

While some of it is just snobbery, there is some reality underlying it. I was quite surprised when I started shopping at M&S. It's a much nicer place to shop. Strikingly so.
It's an insane phrase. I mean that literally. Anyone who believes it is insane. It's a ludicrous denial of reality.

There's a phrase I haven't heard for a while.

While some of it is just snobbery, there is some reality underlying it. I was quite surprised when I started shopping at M&S. It's a much nicer place to shop. Strikingly so.
Also I have no time for blatant knock offs. I find it disgusting how ALDI get away with it. I know I can get none Heinz beans cheaper but do they really need to mimmick the packaging? It's just a slap in the face.
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