i get constant ear infections, as one is clearing up i get another one. Been to hospital to a ENT etc etc and no one knows why, just got to live with it (im from South Africa.moved over when i was young from liverpool and never had it there, only here) and ever since i have the ring! Unsure if its because of the dampness here from a lot of rain or just i suck.
It bothers me but only at night in bed, i have to sleep with a fan on, usually have to take a fan with me on holiday/anywhere from home aswell as i can get to bed without some noise. I call it the travel fan and its the small one, at home i have the large standy uppy one that blasts any noise away. Have the fan on every night through the whole night, during winter aswell, right next to the radiator lol
high pitched whistle.
Get an xray done of your molars and wisdom teeth at your dentist.