Titanfall 2

I honestly prefer it to BF1.

I stopped playing FPS games for a couple of months to give myself a break, installed them both again and spend 80% of my time of this. It has just "just one more game" feel about it.

It's so slick, so smooth and the games are quick to join.

I paid full price and still think it's worth it, i'm amazed its still not more popular.
Me and my friend were pretty much fps afficionados, dabbling from Left 4 dead, COD (until ghosts), to Battlefield (BC2,B3,B4,B1). We were playing Overwatch for a few months but the game just became a massive saltfest.

We play TF2 mostly now since release (gen 7) when we want to chillax and get have some fun. Getting 85% win rate helps. I think the game really heavily favours premades because of the snowbally nature of the matches.

A massive shame the game isnt getting COD/BF level of players because it is super good. I would be 100% okay with the game going free to play with paid titan skins if it means it will get massive numbers.
It really needs to sort out the match making. But with such a low player pool there is no choice. Its close games when we go against other pre mades (15% of the time). So when its clearly against non premades I tend to run sub optimal/fun builds like kraber or pistols only.

Also has a nasty tendency to match with the same people again and again (a symptom of low player base).

But I don't really think its fair to say pre-mades shouldnt play this game. I almost only play multiplayer games with my group of friends, playing multiplayer alone gets pretty boring real quick no matter how good the game is.

The matchmaking should match pre-mades with other pre-mades, sadly not enough players.
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Yeah it's really good. It got some decent sales over the Holidays I think but still seems to be falling well short of it's sales potential.

Had similar problems initially, was caused by installed network adapters that were not in use. Disabling them fixed it for me.

Sorted in the end tried all the above but the game did not like my old fire wall i was using even after disabling so reinstalled firewall and bang all good thanks :)
I don't mean to not play the game, but when you match with the same 4+ pre made 5 times in a row it makes me not want to play the game.
Have switched from the CAR to the G2, which takes more patience but its more satisfying.

I think the Titan's themselves need a re-balance tweak and an additional Titan class would be welcome.
I absolutely loved this game. I finished the campaign mode in one long session!!
I thoroughly enjoyed the game. Thats it for me though as I won't go near MP.
The one advantage the ps4 has over PC is that you can sell your game after finishing it. But on steam/origin etc, its useless and can only be deleted.
But I prefer PC gaming. Life is about trade offs
MP is amazing. Only problem is I like the infantry gunplay so much I put off calling in my titan.

Yeah I just call my titan in and use him to help me defend hard points.

Not played in a week or so. Think I'll have a blast tonight.

I just like the speed of it, even loading times are minimal. Its a great game for a quick half hour blast every now and then.
im still loving it and still find it miles better than bf1, I havnt put loads of hrs into it though as ive been playing around 5 games at the same time for a while lol
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