Shotguns have always been totally OP BS in TF games.
Glad to see them nerfed!
Shotguns have never been OP in this game. The EVA used to be a very good gun, but so were three assault rifles, three SMGs, an LMG and a DMR. But there are many maps where it's completely unusable such as Homestead, Colony, crashsite, complex, boomtown and blackwater canal. You really can't use it on attrition because much of the action occurs at long range. It was a very situational and it excelled in that situation.
The mastiff was always the worst gun in the game.
Nearly all the auto guns in the game can kill from 100 health to 0 between shots of the full auto eva 8, most with a spare bullet to miss. 2 shot firefights were usually winnable however good players would make it extremely close, often I'd win but my screen would be greyscale. 1 shot kills were rare and you had to be within a few metres and get lucky with pellet spread. Now you are lucky to kill anything, if they are close they'll sponge the low damage and lunge melee, if they are more than 5m away with an SMG or AR then they have the better weapon.
Player numbers are around 2000 at all times. Usually enough for a game however a lot of the game modes die out at midnight. You'll also play the same people over and over.
@Gregster I have never had a crash in this game. I'm using the creator's update and 381.65 drivers atm