Titanic submersible confirmed destroyed with loss of all five souls onboard.

I don't think running out of oxygen means literally no O2 in the air. I believe it is when the concentration is too little to support human life. So Bacteria can still grow I believe.

Indeed, food is not preserved in an airtight container. Its decay is slowed.
Even preservation in many cases does not prevent decay it just significantly delays it.
If they are on the surface surely one of them has some form of communication on them or some form of GPS?

It is one thing dying at the bottom but at the top would be even worse!
I read on the BBC News site’s live feed about this (but typically can’t find it again to quote) that supposedly for the banging on the hull to be heard, the submersible should be relatively close to the surface. The fact someone is banging is accredited to the presence of the French Navy man on board, as this is supposedly the process if lost under water at sea.

Even if the sub was surfaced, it would apparently be very difficult to spot, as only a tiny piece of it is actually visible above the surface.

Yep, this is why they lay sonar arrays.
The difference in the time it takes for each beacon to detect the signal allows for triangulation (in 3 axis) of the source.
(Same principle as GPS)
The internal light was literally a battery baton from Camper World too.

That's terrible!
It was 2 hrs down, several hours looking around, 2 hrs back up.

So losing contact 1:45 in, means they were nearly at the bottom (according to plan anyway).
I stand corrected!

I actually wonder if they completed their original mission, but simply not comms has made it impossible to find then afterwards.

Either way, I’ve been checking the BBC pretty often hoping for a good news story!
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The L'Atlante ship is showing on the marine tracking map about 200-250 miles away, will this be the first ship with an ROV capable of going down to the wreck site?

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I wonder if anyone will be looking at increased regulation of this sort of activity.

Being cold-hearted, this could be a very significant cost for the various countries involved.
I was saying to my partner last night that I would 100% take some sort of "medication" down with me on something like that so I could die peacefully if it came to it. Absolute nightmare fuel dying at the bottom of the ocean as you slowly suffocate. I kinda hope they died quickly from an incident.
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