Titanic submersible confirmed destroyed with loss of all five souls onboard.

It is but the conversation would’ve been had and if the US said no thank you, who is going to challenge that.
We should have, what could they possibly do to stop us sending equipment that could (have) save(d) these people (maybe)?

The US would look much worse stopping something on-route and instead we look bad for being cowards.
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This terrible saga brings back strong memories for MH370. For me, that brought stark realisation of just how far we are behind technologically than I'd originally assumed. We couldn't find a 60x60 metre plane that was pinging location right into the ocean using the technology of the worlds best.

With that in mind, I have no idea how we'd ever find Titan. The fact this thing has no fully redundant tracking beacon is the worst of the many failures.

I'm not sure it's really fair calling it a technological issue - it's more a maths issue. Had MH370 crashed on land we'd have a search area, losing Titan in an ocean it's a search volume which is insanely more difficult to cover. Not to mention the problem with that volume moving due to ocean currents and the search volume being 4km deep.
It's currently in Rosyth, 3000km away. Not the kind of trip you can just make at a whim in a couple of days.

With my original post I wasn't even sure if that would be the vessel that would carry a submersible, do we not have any other vessels similar to that of the La Atalante?
Too insensitive, but who else would be fascinated watching a live stream of the Victor 6000's cameras?
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If they killed the captain when they got in trouble they could have another day of air.

I've been avoiding this story (bizarrely it makes me feel really uneasy watching a countdown to peoples death) but I had heard that even if one of them did die before the others, they would die from the nitrogren leaving the body during decomposition.
Ever since someone mentioned about them potentially needing a number 2, I can't get it out my head :( Must be so bad.

Goes to show how scary the ocean still is. You're just completely at the mercy of nature in the event of an emergency. The current could've sent them hundreds of miles away from where they started by now.
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