To Laugh or Cry?

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Just got back from job interview.. got the job!
They run Macs mainly too so yay! (except the server is running windows server 2003 :()

deadeyedic30 said:
Did you and the Ex part on good terms ? How fit was she, vital statistics, gives us some details !! You can't put us through all that and not tell us what she looked like.
I left her because I fancied her best friend, we got together :o
Bad I know. She was blonde, very attractive- I do miss her. Photos were a set of 12 or so (luckily the videos are elsewhere ;)) in various poses. Think they were taken when she was 16-17.

deadeyedic30 said:
Out of curiousity were the pictures all right protected, not that it should have made a difference to the various programs used to delete them. :confused:

If this was mentioned i missed it due to partial blindness from all the tears of laughter.
Personally what i would have done if i was having that many disc errors, is just have that drive connected to the mobo, reinstall windows fixing any disc errors, install Partition Magic delete any other partitions so their is only one, change it to logical, then reconnect the other hard drives, reinstalling windows if necessary then using something like the Eraser program to zero fill the hard drive, after deleting all the windows file first.

None were write protected.
I did connect it to the mobo, put my windows xp cd in. It saw the partition, I deleted it and wrote a FAT32 partition in its place. During the last process it halted with an error.

Nothing could have saved the drive, it was gone from day one.
Shame my boot drive is now not booting. Yet another problem :rolleyes:
Haha very good.
I was considering putting a pic up (censor the naughty bits) but can you imagine if she found out?
There are a few old friends who browse this forum, she would go mental.

Infact I texted her last week telling her I found some old photos ;)
She never replied.

*like the way thread topic has turned* :D
Excellent thread :)

Oh and it may not be the hdd that's fubar, it could be the hdd controller on the mobo? That would explain the other boot problems.
A Personal Message.

The Result.

Never did like computers.
Awesome thread and a great example of sod's law. When you have data you absolutely can not lose breaking wind near your HDD can trash it. But GG spent two days with the express purpose of nuking his data and it wouldn't go away :D

Imagine all HDDs were like that... be a lot less threads in here lol

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