VeNT said:wow 70gig of GF related porn
thats mad
say each pic is 500k (doubtful)
thats 2 per meg, 2000 per gig, 140,000 or so images (am I right?)
you need to get out more! (or not!).
did you take them all yourself or get a pro in?
According to our records you have already voted on this thread.
ihatelag said:Ow btw goldenglory don't give up your career over a silly hd lol... I say get as much exp as poss at it works nicely on your CV when you finish uni. Congrats if you get that 8 weeks at an IT consultancy.
GoldenGlory said:It's done 16% now. Is it safe to reset the PC?
I feel so stupid I can't believe this happened. I'm never downloading porn again.
benjo said:So your girlfriend is on the internet?
ted34 said:Great how one guy is getting stressed and everyone hits him while hes down. Can you not just plug it in and delete the files manually. Does sound like a typical maxtor drive. Magnet to destroy data and then rma sounds like best option. Have you told the gf yet?
ihatelag said:lol would you really RMA a HD with that data on it!!!
Anyway, the HD is smashed to bits so I think RMA would sort of not work
benjo said:So your girlfriend is on the internet?
GoldenGlory said:I love the way on the forum detectives try to catch people out.
There were about a dozen pics of her mate, the rest consisted of about 45-50GB "movies" and photos (site rips to those in the know).
The drive was seriously screwed, i've never seen anything like it before and I hope to never again. At least it's been documented here for history haha
benjo said:Wasn't taking a dig mate, it's just reading through the first bit of the thread gave some of us the impression it was all 70gb of your missus
GoldenGlory said:I love the way on the forum detectives try to catch people out.
There were about a dozen pics of her mate, the rest consisted of about 45-50GB "movies" and photos
This is the first time I've seen it... I was actually looking for information on how to get rid of duplicate files, but this was much more interesting.Zefan said:We've gone back in time !