Todays London Stabbing/Shooting

Yes but those cases are extremely rare. What people on here are advocating is not that at all.

Yeah back to the work house with you lot. Oh and those old people, they can just die in poverty. Pfft social security, who needs that anyway.

Making the point the courts have the power already nothing more.

A benefit cap on 2 kids would get my vote.
I'd wager a lot of the Stabby black kids come from parent(s) that identify as Christian already.
Thing is easy money, crime,drugs and mostly 'respek' is far much more important to a teenager who's male role model is a rapper posting fake videos of bitches and bling.
Wow what a great place it would be being bought up in a poor area if you were in charge. When I grew up we had a youth club 3 nights a week, sports clubs after school and some weekends. There was also cubs, scouts and Army Cadets when we got a little older. It didn’t stop us getting into minor trouble but it was something.

A mate of mine took a kicking off a group of 15 years olds recently. He’s 6’7” 24st and used be a bouncer and bare knuckle boxer in his youth. He weighed it up and decided he’d probably take a couple to the hospital with him but he was outnumbered and they could have had knives. He took the kicking, went home and licked his wounds. My point is Khan’s size and physical weakness is irrelevant. 99% of us would take a kicking from a group of teenagers. What do you want him to do? Say there is nothing that can be done and give up? Intervention by people within these kids own community is what is going to drag them back off the path they are on. Without funds to pay for these schemes they can’t happen. Also police police police.

What do I want him to do?

Admit there's a problem that needs fixing, not claim London is perfectly safe when it obviously isn't.

As someone that's lived here over 30 years I know from first hand experience the kind of situation bigger guys can get into with gangs of smaller teens. Khan's size is still relevant because unlike your mate it wouldn't even take a gang to mug him, a couple of 12 year old kids could do it, like I said. He doesn't even live in the same London as most of the rest of us, he's a protected, political class.

More education, discipline and policing is needed, which obviously needs more money, so we're essentially in agreement, I just don't respect Khan like you seem to, he's far more about blame culture than applying any actual discipline.
It's the current year!
You should consider that the advancement of time does not necessarily negate values held in the past.
It is possible for values to degenerate over time, as it is possible for them to gain value.

Jimmy Savile raised a lot of money for charity. Would you say that he was a good man?
The "goodness" of a person does not depend on the good things they do; it is more about the absence of badness.

About atheism: that a person rejects belief in god does not mean that he has not replaced that blind belief in god with blind belief in something else.
There are many atheists who believe in socialism/ communism, which are religious beliefs in their own right. There are many atheists who blindly believe in the benevolence of the EU, when the EU is not benevolent by any objective measure.
That the decline in belief in Christianity coincided with an increase in belief in the State, as not a coincidence.
People are as religious now as they were before. They merely replaced their belief in a bearded man in the sky with belief in authority.
The difference is that society declines in quality as belief in the State increases.

I'm not having a go at you; I just noticed a couple of errors and "somewhere, someone on the internet was being wrong about something" :)

Ok I'll raise you Jimmy Savile with child rapist clergy and both the Catholic and Anglican churches that not only covered up said rape but moved the clergy involved to new areas where they could continue to rape. And this was from "men of God and Jesus".

Oh please that argument is weak. Just because we don't believe in a sky fairy we have to believe in something else? That is complete rubbish. So no person of faith could believe in the benevolence of the EU then? Some people just don't need to "believe". I think we are better off in the EU, I also think we are better off as a democracy and better off in NATO. There are lots of things I think we are better off doing but none of them do I have some faith like belief in. Well perhaps science and logic because they can be tested.
And no I don't believe in authority either. Far from it in fact. The State serves a purpose, it is able to do things we can't as individuals but never would I want to live in a society that has the State as an authority like the Church used to have over society and still has over some societies. Faith is a dying belief and personally I think the world will be a far better place for its passing.
What do I want him to do?

Admit there's a problem that needs fixing, not claim London is perfectly safe when it obviously isn't.

As someone that's lived here over 30 years I know from first hand experience the kind of situation bigger guys can get into with gangs of smaller teens. Khan's size is still relevant because unlike your mate it wouldn't even take a gang to mug him, a couple of 12 year old kids could do it, like I said. He doesn't even live in the same London as most of the rest of us, he's a protected, political class.

More education, discipline and policing is needed, which obviously needs more money, so we're essentially in agreement, I just don't respect Khan like you seem to, he's far more about blame culture than applying any actual discipline.

Of course there is a problem. A blind man can see there is a problem. He knows there is a problem, we know there is a problem. At the same time he can't say publicly that London is out of control war zone because 1, it isn't and 2, tourism is a huge part of London's economy.

More education, discipline and policing, with the exception of the police he has zero control over those and even the policing he only has 10% of the MET budget. Look I'm not singing his praises I'm really not, I've lived in London for 25 years myself but he gets blamed for a situation that is not of his making and that he can do very little about. May and the Tories slashed the police budgets, they control eduction and they control the justice system. Yet it is Khan that gets blamed. London is no different to any other city, they are all suffering the same problems. Who is to blame in those towns and cities because there is no Khan there?
Our courts do have the power to enforce sterilisation under certain circumstances. Just mentioning as I don’t think some posters realise.
At this point we are going way off-topic but I certainly didn't realise that this is the case.

Under what circumstances do our courts have the power to enforce sterilisation?
Has it ever happened in the last 50 years and if so, when?
How can kids appear to be more smart and dominant then our law system? the mind boggles. These kids get away with killing people easily on the street in broad day light in a city that supposed to have loads of cctv camera's and people in general?wtf?

detectives incapable of chating a 15 year old?
Making the point the courts have the power already nothing more.

A benefit cap on 2 kids would get my vote.

They tried putting one in place in the past, people kicked off about it so they backed down :\

Id say cap it at one kid though, or remove it entirely. Its not like we have a shortage of people.
How can kids appear to be more smart and dominant then our law system? the mind boggles. These kids get away with killing people easily on the street in broad day light in a city that supposed to have loads of cctv camera's and people in general?wtf?

detectives incapable of chating a 15 year old?

They aren't cheating the police. Detection rates for murder in London in 2016 was 93% admittedly that has fallen to 70% last year, but that is explained by an almost halving of the number of murder teams and the increase in murders.
They tried putting one in place in the past, people kicked off about it so they backed down :\

Id say cap it at one kid though, or remove it entirely. Its not like we have a shortage of people.

Er, no. Suddenly artificially reducing the birth rate would be economic madness, we're already seeing the impacts of an aging population.
But we need to reduce our numbers anyway. Its going to happen at some point.

Forced execution when you hit 80?

If you don't want the population to grow too quickly, you still need to maintain a balance in terms of productivity :p
At this point we are going way off-topic but I certainly didn't realise that this is the case.

Under what circumstances do our courts have the power to enforce sterilisation?
Has it ever happened in the last 50 years and if so, when?

No idea to be honest. My wife was in hospital 2 months ago for a check-up. Another patient was waiting and she merrily informed my wife she had multiple kids, all taken from her, and she was in for court enforced sterilisation. My wife couldn’t believe the woman was freely chatting about it in a busy waiting area!
No idea to be honest. My wife was in hospital 2 months ago for a check-up. Another patient was waiting and she merrily informed my wife she had multiple kids, all taken from her, and she was in for sterilisation. My wife couldn’t believe the woman was freely chatting about it in a busy waiting area!
It appears from a post above that in the case of someone with "Learning difficulties" the court can order a sterilisation even where the patient doesn't consent. I'm not convinced however that this would be an effective means of reducing knife crime.
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