It's the current year!
You should consider that the advancement of time does not necessarily negate values held in the past.
It is possible for values to degenerate over time, as it is possible for them to gain value.
Jimmy Savile raised a lot of money for charity. Would you say that he was a good man?
The "goodness" of a person does not depend on the good things they do; it is more about the absence of badness.
About atheism: that a person rejects belief in god does not mean that he has not replaced that blind belief in god with blind belief in something else.
There are many atheists who believe in socialism/ communism, which are religious beliefs in their own right. There are many atheists who blindly believe in the benevolence of the EU, when the EU is not benevolent by any objective measure.
That the decline in belief in Christianity coincided with an increase in belief in the State, as not a coincidence.
People are as religious now as they were before. They merely replaced their belief in a bearded man in the sky with belief in authority.
The difference is that society declines in quality as belief in the State increases.
I'm not having a go at you; I just noticed a couple of errors and "somewhere, someone on the internet was being wrong about something"