Today's mass shooting in the US

I really can't tell if you're being deliberately antagonistic or you really do believe that having a 'tough stance on immigration' equals calling immigrants rapists, drug dealers and 'bad hombres'. You can have a tough stance on immigration without saying such things.

Sure... I'm the one being deliberately antagonistic by just laying out my opinion(s) and backing them up... people quoting me and implying I'm stupid or a racist or a Trump apologist are just having a civilised conversation where they're totally open to people have different views/opinions etc...

As for the rapists, murderers etc.. he was referring to MS-13 gang members, plenty of them are murderers, you've again deliberately taken a statement out of context, after already doing so earlier in the thread and being called out on it.
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I agree. I'm using a pretty wide brush here but my view is that there is a conflict between your general views and his specifty to this point; they don't always play nicely.

TBH I'd be more inclined to agree with you most times.

But Trump is too dangerous too ignore.

And it's Dowie, he'd argue the point if someone said crimson and meant red to debunk their entire argument. It's no coincidence that it's always him and A N Other in this sort of exchange.
TBH I'd be more inclined to agree with you most times.

But Trump is too dangerous too ignore.

And it's Dowie, he'd argue the point if someone said crimson and meant red to debunk their entire argument. It's no coincidence that it's always him and A N Other in this sort of exchange.
Dowie does specifity. Is he wrong to do that? Most people would say no. It bugs the **** out of me on a personal level but he's coming - I think - from a good place most of the time.

fake e: not dowie's alt :(
TBH I'd be more inclined to agree with you most times.

But Trump is too dangerous too ignore.

And it's Dowie, he'd argue the point if someone said crimson and meant red to debunk their entire argument. It's no coincidence that it's always him and A N Other in this sort of exchange.

Trump is dangerous because he says 5 million people illegally moving to America by breaking through the border is an invasion and citing the fact that their country of origin has a horrendous record on murder and crime is dehumanising. Orange man bad >:|
And it's Dowie, he'd argue the point if someone said crimson and meant red to debunk their entire argument. It's no coincidence that it's always him and A N Other in this sort of exchange.

Well you're seemingly more interested in ad hominem attacks now than actual arguments... you claimed a few posts back that I'm "demonstrably wrong" yet if you look at my previous post above I'm yet again responding to someone who actually is demonstrably wrong by literally demonstrating/pointing out where they're wrong... after already having done so earlier in the thread regarding the same attempt to take some quote out of context.

As for me often having these arguments, sure I'm not afraid to back up my opinions especially when people quote me to either misrepresent what I've said or to present weak arguments that are based on either ignoring what I've actually said, or presenting something factually incorrect or indeed just throwing out some emotional response because they don't like the opinion presented.
In your opinion specifically what is it about Trump which is too dangerous to ignore? What should be done about it if he can't be ignored? Who should take that action?

His complete denial of climate change.

His continual attacks on anybody who is different to him.

His continual lies.

His continual abuse of his position to benefit himself.

His continued deliberate or ignorant statements around, for example, tariffs.

His continued bowing to dictators.

His reneging on deals made in good faith.

His racist past and present.

That he associates with mainly criminals.
His complete denial of climate change.

His continual attacks on anybody who is different to him.

His continual lies.

His continual abuse of his position to benefit himself.

His continued deliberate or ignorant statements around, for example, tariffs.

His continued bowing to dictators.

His reneging on deals made in good faith.

His racist past and present.

That he associates with mainly criminals.
Ok. So what about parts two and three of my question? Who should take action and what should that action be?
You do yourself no favours with this sort of stuff.

The guy who shot up Hispanics with a manifesto that used a lot of Trump language is one argument.

No one has argued Trump inspired the second one, but you try and make it seem that way to attempt to demean the argument around the first incident.

Here's Sanders making the dumb dumb Trump defenders look stupid by pointing out the obvious.

Yes, really, watch the clip again.

Look if people are just going to quote me to rant about Trump then you're being rather silly, especially when people can't even get basic details right... like claiming he did something when he didn't claiming he said something about migrants in general when he actually was talking about gang members illegally crossing etc...

Trump said:
“When do we beat Mexico at the border? They’re laughing at us, at our stupidity. […] When Mexico sends its people they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you; they’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists, and some, I assume, are good people. But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting.”

As for the rapists, murderers etc.. he was referring to MS-13 gang members

Can you show me where in that clip or in that statement he mentions gangs or MS-13? I've tried to find the full transcripts, but have only the above to go on.
Connor Betts the Ohio shooter now identified.
Motive still unapparent.
Seemed like an everyday 20 something.
Dead end jobs, into anime, computers. Shunned at highschool. Could be anyone of you guys.
Will be interesting to know what snapped this one. Call of duty I guess, maybe jorden Peterson? Deffo Trump. Maybe a lack of a perceived future? Who knows.
Connor Betts the Ohio shooter now identified.
Motive still unapparent.
Seemed like an everyday 20 something.
Dead end jobs, into anime, computers. Shunned at highschool. Could be anyone of you guys.
Will be interesting to know what snapped this one. Call of duty I guess, maybe jorden Peterson? Deffo Trump. Maybe a lack of a perceived future? Who knows.

I'm guessing a girl is involved.
I'm guessing a girl is involved.
Could be. I'm so glad to not be American.
I had a school friend that moved to the US.
He's always posting pics on Facebook of new shotguns and handguns he's bought.
He's really proud of his semi-automatic ak rifle clones.

I can't even blame him. If I lived in a society with that many guns, I'd certainly be wanting my own.
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He drives to the district with his sister, they split up, she going to the bar that was the scene of the shooting and meeting a BF, he got all of his call of duty LARP gear on, walks to the bar and starts executing people outside..... Inc his sister.

Now is this an horrific coincidence or part of the motive? Want to shoot your sister? Ok sure? But why do it like that killing untold random people too.
Connor Betts the Ohio shooter now identified.
Motive still unapparent.
Seemed like an everyday 20 something.
Dead end jobs, into anime, computers. Shunned at highschool. Could be anyone of you guys.
Will be interesting to know what snapped this one. Call of duty I guess, maybe jorden Peterson? Deffo Trump. Maybe a lack of a perceived future? Who knows.

Well it definitely wasn't trump or Jordan Peterson. He was a self professed socialist, democrat and big supporter of Bernie and Elizabeth Warren.
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