Today's mass shooting in the US

Again, How do they count that?

As I read it from us firearm "Death" stats, 2/3 of us firearm related "Homicides" are actually "Suicides".

Are Suicides included in "Your" particular figure? (Serious question)

Bad as that may sound for Gun ownership. the real issue here is that the US overall suicide rate isn't actually significantly higher than anywhere else in the developed world.

IE While Gun availability means that Guns are the means of choice for suicides, it doesn't seem to mean that it makes suicide particularly more common.

(If you trawl through Wiki pages, It does seem to do a little bit but we are not talking orders of magnitude here, just a couple of percent variation between state to state.)

Of those that remain,

About two thirds of all US gun related, non-suicide, homicides are Black people killing one another.

White people, despite having ready access to firearms are rather more likely to beat each other to death than shoot each other than Black people. Almost all Black/Black homicides involve a firearm. Only about 70% of White/White homicides do so.

I do not claim to know why different peoples in the USA seem to behave in such different ways.


I am confident that there are vast areas of the USA that, despite firearms being more common than i-phones, will be no more dangerous, or possibly even rather safer, than many parts of the UK.

Ascribing a "Homicide rate" to the USA and implying that it acts evenly across the entire continent and equally for all the peoples who live there is really very misleading.
If you included suicide for the UK as you're suggesting the US figure includes, then the stats work out almost the same for both countries for January 2020 to date. (16 suicides per day in the UK on average).
Their constitution states: "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed". Quite obviously these laws are designed to infringe; why is it even a surprise that they're protesting?

"Shall not be infringed" doesn't mean you can make tiny laws that slightly infringe them because they're "completely reasonable"

If you took that interpretation though then there shouldn't be any control - no banning of automatic weapons, etc. etc. it needs to be looked at IMO in the context of the militia aspect - that doesn't mean people have to be part of a militia but that the context of infringement needs to be weighed against the facilitating of the ability to form an effective militia.
If you took that interpretation though then there shouldn't be any control - no banning of automatic weapons, etc. etc. it needs to be looked at IMO in the context of the militia aspect - that doesn't mean people have to be part of a militia but that the context of infringement needs to be weighed against the facilitating of the ability to form an effective militia.

There should be no restriction on owning any weapons that were already in production when the second amendment was added.
If you included suicide for the UK as you're suggesting the US figure includes, then the stats work out almost the same for both countries for January 2020 to date. (16 suicides per day in the UK on average).

16 suicides per day is 336 as of day 21 of January

I assume you are saying that if the UK had the same population as the USA, then we would have "almost the same" numbers?

Here is the stat they used

Meanwhile, in other 'Guns are inanimate objects, they don't shoot people by themselves'-related news: 'Father and 4-year-old son accidentally shot in head while playing.'

A father and son were rushed to separate hospitals after they were both accidentally shot in the head after the man’s concealed gun discharged while the two were play wrestling.

The incident happened at the family’s home near Bloomington, Ind., on Sunday, according to the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office. The man, 36, had a concealed handgun on the small of his back. At one point, the gun fell from the man’s waistband and fired one shot which hit both of them in the head.

Funny how this keeps happening.
If Americans want to own guns fine, but there should be mandatory safety and proficiency certification and regular recertification requirements, mainly safety.
If Americans want to own guns fine, but there should be mandatory safety and proficiency certification and regular recertification requirements, mainly safety.

There should be and most gun owners agree, but then all it takes is 'tuk 'way muh gurns' from Fox News or something and it goes put in the partisan hole.
When the response to these atrocities is "Thoughts and prayers but we're not going to change anything" then there does come a point when observers stop caring, stop suggesting solutions, and just stand back and watch in dismay but with almost grim acceptance that Americans will shoot other Americans and that's okay.


Carry on then.
The House of Representatives in the state of Virginia is quickly ramming liberal legislation down the throats of innocent people. They have passed an “assault weapons” ban, which would criminalize thousands of people who haven’t committed a crime.

On Tuesday, Democrats continued their quest to disarm the civilians and advocate for a series of gun control measures in what has become the epicenter of the nationwide gun debate.

The 51-48 vote in the House of Delegates moves H.B. 961 (the assault weapons ban) to the state Senate. Passage among senators could be in jeopardy, however, as Democrats only have a two-seat majority, meaning they can only afford to lose one vote should all the Republicans oppose the bill. But don’t assume it’s passage won’t happen. Taking away guns is essential for tyranny. But the propaganda is all about safety:

“This legislation, just like other bills passed by the House this year, is intended to make Virginians safer every day,” House Democrats said in a statement after the vote. –Fox News

This is to make tyrants safer against those they want control over. This is obvious to anyone who has even the slightest knowledge of history.

Virginia has become ground zero in the national gun debate as Democrats have made gun control the cornerstone of this year’s legislative session after capturing a full majority for the first time in two decades.
Meanwhile, in other 'Guns are inanimate objects, they don't shoot people by themselves'-related news: 'Father and 4-year-old son accidentally shot in head while playing.'

Funny how this keeps happening.

In a country of 350m people there will obviously be accidents quite frequently, it's simply a numbers game that I don't think people can quite understand. If there's a 1 in 1,000,000 chance of something happening, then the odds are it'll happen every day in America. You can then report it as news each day (on average) and it appears like it's a common occurrence, even though the odds are 1 in a 1,000,000.
In a country of 350m people there will obviously be accidents quite frequently, it's simply a numbers game that I don't think people can quite understand. If there's a 1 in 1,000,000 chance of something happening, then the odds are it'll happen every day in America. You can then report it as news each day (on average) and it appears like it's a common occurrence, even though the odds are 1 in a 1,000,000.
Yyyyyeah... but that's not how probability works.
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