Today's mass shooting in the US

The implication of Make America Great Again is a return to the 50's when white people ruled everything and black people were openly discriminated against with segregation in public everywhere. What was great about it for most people I don't know but that's what the Trumpists want again.

Is that a joke? Are you being ironic or is that a serious view? There is zero intent on it being anything to do with race or the 50's, this opinion is bordering insanity.
Is that a joke? Are you being ironic or is that a serious view? There is zero intent on it being anything to do with race or the 50's, this opinion is bordering insanity.
No, not a joke. To many of his supporters that's what they think. Trump was the first ever Presidential candidate to run on a slogan that said America was in decline and only I can fix it. That period of decline for Republicans was when Obama was in office and perhaps even all the way back to Reagan who also ran on 'Make America great' (note, without the 'again' as if there was never any doubt about America being Great, and can only get better under Reagan. Hint, it markedly did not unless you were a big businessman, rich or a CEO.) By suggesting only he can make America great 'again' it implies that he is the saviour and things have declined in the US under Obama when there was nothing of the sort. In fact America prospered under Obama, as it usually does under a Democrat President.

MAGA nuts want things like they were 'before', to many that means as they were decades ago. Perhaps many are not old enough to be talking about the 50's and 60's, but certainly the 80's and 90's where racism and xenophobia and prejudice were still rampant and out in the open, just where many liked it as they could state their opinions in public without fear of rebuttal or retribution. These days they're more or less forced to keep their beliefs private until surrounded by like minded people for fear or retribution. They may not want a return to the 50's and 60's, but many certainly want a return to the 80's and 90's where blacks and PoC stayed away from white neighbourhoods and racism was often plain as day despite being against the law.
but...isn't everyone proud of the country they were born in? defend the culture they have come to know?
I mean if not what's the World cup, Olympics and even the eurovision song contest all about?
Closer to home we have pride in the cities we were born in with sporting events don't we?

I feel If it were anyone else other than Trump, who was better looking and had a better personality say the same words it would have been a different story?
but...isn't everyone proud of the country they were born in? defend the culture they have come to know?

No? Being proud of where you're born without reason or introspection is a ridiculous take.

I had no choice in where I was born, I'll defend the good parts but to blindly praise somewhere just because that's where you happened to be born is silly and will lead to zero progression or improvement.
really? shocking if that's what it actually meant tbh! My uninformed take on it was just to stop outsourcing labour to other countries? tbh I don't really know.

You're well informed as that's the core of it. The general idea is that the USA used to be stronger economically, more self-sufficient, more capable of making stuff at all scales, that sort of thing.

People who are obsessed with "race" unsurprisingly project that obsession onto it. Probably some of the people who support it. Definitely the people who oppose it.
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You're well informed as that's the core of it. The general idea is that the USA used to be stronger economically, more self-sufficient, more capable of making stuff at all scales, that sort of thing.

People who are obsessed with "race" unsurprisingly project that obsession onto it. Probably some of the people who support it. Definitely the people who oppose it.

People on here are so weird arbitrarily linking race into "Make America Great Again" as a slogan, imagine the sort of mental gymnastics you need to go through lmao
Its nationalistic populist nonsense that he used very effectively to stir up the masses, its not like he's the first leader to do it though.

Its not like Trump didn't run on race though. He said he'd bring in a Muslim ban, so that's brown people from the Middle East and said he'd stop the brown people from the southern border. He actually said he wanted more white people from Europe. Or as he put it, fewer people from **** hole countries and more from places like Norway. That is about as big a dog whistle as dog whistles get.
Roar87 said:
Spoken by another person who hates their country

I wonder how many people are clicking the report button on me this night? but alas...
Wasn't England on alert in the 80's with the Irish bombing random places? What's the best course of action there? Let them in as they aren't all bad or?

It just happens that people from the middle east have a different skin colour isn't it? they can't use their skin colour as an excuse? If the Russians were a black race? it's all very silly isn't it?

Those arguments used to work before it was easy to watch different cultures online in their day to day lol, Yes of course people are just people all just living and getting on with things.
When a culture of any skin colour has a religious ideology that has a group of hate in it and has cause death and mayhem across the west then of course the people in charge should be cautious about who is coming in.
Same as you lock your door at night before you go to bed, don't you?
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Its nationalistic populist nonsense that he used very effectively to stir up the masses, its not like he's the first leader to do it though.

Its not like Trump didn't run on race though. He said he'd bring in a Muslim ban, so that's brown people from the Middle East and said he'd stop the brown people from the southern border. He actually said he wanted more white people from Europe. Or as he put it, fewer people from **** hole countries and more from places like Norway. That is about as big a dog whistle as dog whistles get.

Ah, the "dog whistle" thing again.

When you can't find anything that your enemy said that you can interpret as evidence of whatever it is you decide to accuse them of, just claim that when they said one thing they meant something different and only people with Special Abilities (like yourself) can perceive the Hidden Meaning. That's what "dog whistle" means. It's a straight up admission that you can't find any evidence at all to support the accusation(s) you want to make.

You're obviously an agent for the alien illuminati freemason secret world government. Your posts are about as big a dog whistle as dog whistles get.
You want so good old fashioned racism/anti Semitism, just read through MAGA biggest forum, formally Its dripping with anti Semitism, because those Jews are to blame for it all you know.
that's the same as reading an extreme left rag...both sides are nutters.

You're doing the same as you preach to hate though...Trump said he hates all muslims? aren't you doing the same to the people who don't think about life the same as yourself?
that's the same as reading an extreme left rag...both sides are nutters.

You're doing the same as you preach to hate though...Trump said he hates all muslims? aren't you doing the same to the people who don't think about life the same as yourself?

These guys see Q-Anon and think they're representative of the 65m or whatever people voted for Trump, absolute loons
that's the same as reading an extreme left rag...both sides are nutters.

You're doing the same as you preach to hate though...Trump said he hates all muslims? aren't you doing the same to the people who don't think about life the same as yourself?

We were talking about MAGA, that website is MAGA.

Where have I said I hate anyone? I said Trump ran on nationalistic populist nonsense and used race as part of that. Its undeniable because he did it and said it. He said he didn't want any immigration from **** hole countries but more from countries like Norway. You don't need to be a brain surgeon to work that out, though Angilion seems to be struggling, maybe its a Special Abilities thing? If Anglilion thinks that's Hidden Meaning then he clearly isn't as bright as I thought he was, that or he's in denial.
We were talking about MAGA, that website is MAGA.

Where have I said I hate anyone? I said Trump ran on nationalistic populist nonsense and used race as part of that. Its undeniable because he did it and said it. He said he didn't want any immigration from **** hole countries but more from countries like Norway. You don't need to be a brain surgeon to work that out, though Angilion seems to be struggling, maybe its a Special Abilities thing? If Anglilion thinks that's Hidden Meaning then he clearly isn't as bright as I thought he was, that or he's in denial.

What? MAGA is a slogan for a candidate, not a specific website you found full of die hard Trump supporters that aren't representative of the general voter base
We were talking about MAGA, that website is MAGA.

Where have I said I hate anyone? I said Trump ran on nationalistic populist nonsense and used race as part of that. Its undeniable because he did it and said it. He said he didn't want any immigration from **** hole countries but more from countries like Norway. You don't need to be a brain surgeon to work that out, though Angilion seems to be struggling, maybe its a Special Abilities thing? If Anglilion thinks that's Hidden Meaning then he clearly isn't as bright as I thought he was, that or he's in denial.

I merely lack your special ability to decide what someone means in advance and then see hidden meanings in everything they say that, surprise surprise, makes it "obvious" that they are secretly saying what you decided in advance that they said. Even when they didn't say it.
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