Someone posted a gif I saw earlier but can't find right now. Essentially the wording was people who make the "guns don't kill people, people kill people" argument against gun control are stupid. Preventing terrorists buying guns is controlling people, not guns, preventing mentally ill people buying guns is control on people not guns, preventing violent criminals buying guns is control on the people not the guns.
Gun control isn't primarily about the guns, but preventing the wrong people having them, yet they always go to the guns don't kill people, people do argument when people talk about gun control because they seem oblivious as to what gun control really intends to achieve.
So it's sounding like a white supremacist group is saying he's a member of their group, he bought loads of guns, he had been reported to the FBI and potentially on a list of members of this group but due to the laws no one could prevent him buying guns completely legally, no one could conduct an investigation leading to the sensible removal of all guns he's brought and due to no registry that would be currently very hard to do because they can't legally know for sure how many guns he owns.
People are are against gun control are being stupid and ignorant, they are complicit.
EDIT:- guns are actually fun, I've only ever shot air rifles maybe once or twice and 20 years ago or more but I've been to a clay pigeon shoot a dozen times maybe. Guns are as fun as any other activity, but the same way a drunk driver gets their licence removed, the same way narcotics are controlled, the same way dangerous chemicals are controlled, guns require control. If I fancied buying a shotgun I should be registered on a list and as Teaboy said, if I told my doctor I was feeling suicidal that gun should be taken away from me and I'd be fine with that.
I'm fine with people wanting guns, I'm fine with people shooting guns, same way I'm fine with people racing cars, just not in a dangerous uncontrolled manor.