I was just reading earlier about one of the recent shootings.
IIRC multiple people dead and wounded, and it turns out the gunman wasn't legally allowed to own guns, but the state had recently done away with all pre purchase checks and had passed one of those stupid "permit less (hidden?) carry" laws*, so there was absolutely nothing to stop a person who wasn't allowed to own a gun from going into a gun shop and buying them, and the only way the authorites would ever know was if someone who knew he wasn't allowed one reported him (and the police bothered to follow it up).
So the old "but if you make guns illegal only criminals will have them" cries from the "it's impossible to control who has guns" crowd carries even less weight than normal, as if they'd not done away with the checks this guy would at least not have been able to just walk into a shop to buy them.
*The ones that mean you can carry your gun for self defence, but you don't have to show you even know how to hold a gun, let alone any ability to actually use it safely/semi competently.
IIRC multiple people dead and wounded, and it turns out the gunman wasn't legally allowed to own guns, but the state had recently done away with all pre purchase checks and had passed one of those stupid "permit less (hidden?) carry" laws*, so there was absolutely nothing to stop a person who wasn't allowed to own a gun from going into a gun shop and buying them, and the only way the authorites would ever know was if someone who knew he wasn't allowed one reported him (and the police bothered to follow it up).
So the old "but if you make guns illegal only criminals will have them" cries from the "it's impossible to control who has guns" crowd carries even less weight than normal, as if they'd not done away with the checks this guy would at least not have been able to just walk into a shop to buy them.
*The ones that mean you can carry your gun for self defence, but you don't have to show you even know how to hold a gun, let alone any ability to actually use it safely/semi competently.