Today's mass shooting in the US

'It's the conspiracies and weird, random, racist things they say, and it doesn't make sense, but they're just scared,'

'I believe he holds racist tendencies and beliefs,' said Ludwig when asked by Lemon if his grandfather is racist.

'I feel like a lot of people of that generation are caught up in this 24-hour news cycle of fear and paranoia, perpetuated by some other news stations,' he added.

'And he was fully into that, sitting and watching Fox News all day, every day, blaring in his living room. And I think that stuff really kind of reinforces this negative view of minority groups.

'It doesn't necessarily lead people to be racist, but it reinforces and galvanizes racist people and their beliefs,' he said.

'In this country, it happens over and over again where people get away with killing unarmed innocent black people, and I would have had the same energy for any other case.

So...he hasn't seen any racist behaviour and who are "them"?
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Not read the article but the headline suggests that his own grandson has said he held racist views.

What a load of nonsense that video is... a whole load of generalisations about older white men with the supposedly specific example about him being offensive to 'minorities' being that he had a 'hot take' on black women and abortions that the grandson "didn't really know what he was on about"....

Really that's it? He's a white man in his 80's and he once made an observation about black women getting abortions which the grandson didn't understand. Given that the grandson says his grandfather is a Christian (and presumably being an America quite against abortion) could this not of been the an observation about the disproportionate amount of abortions that black women have and how this is bad for their community?.... like this is a serious problem that can be seen in this and many other threads... a wilful ignorance of the facts coupled with either insinuations or explicit claims that pointing out inconvenient facts is some sort of 'ism' or 'phobia' from the perspective of the person pointing them out.

Like how exactly is slavey and Jim Crow responsible for the disproportionate explosion of abortions in the black community which tie in with the similar massive rise in single mothers when the inter racial rates were much? closer till the 1960's?

2015 Births in the United States by Race and Marital Status (native born)

White 30%
Black 77.3%

A take so 'hot' that Lemon himself was making similar observations about 10 years ago.... when the Democrats and there affiliate main stream media outlets were not nearly as insane as they are now.

And it has been the Democrats that have been the ones who have swung most widely from their position in the last 15-20 years not the Republicans

This is exactly the sort nonsense I talked about earlier in the thread where we don't get this sort of delving into the families and previous history or all the other shooters to try and dreg up anything to support the pre assumed narrative that a white person shooting a black one in the USA must have been because of racism despite the 'average' black person being around 12 times more likely to kill a white person than the reverse scenario.
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I'll take your word over the mans own Grandson.

I would say you should have been ashamed to uncritically post that garbage piece of 'reporting' by CNN but then...**

Like do try and engage the thinking matter... what exactly in that video would suggest that the Grandsons assertions were the correct ones and that it wasn't actually on his own part that prejudices and irrational thinking were at play about the reasons why shots were fired that night?

(** edit - to given Lemon some credit he did at least try to push the chap he was interviewing to actually provide something that actually would actually show that the grandfather would have had sufficient racial animus for this to have been significant... something the interviewee was evidently unable to assist with and could only stick to generalisations and one anecdote where his grandfather had talked about black women and abortions but that he "didn't really know what he was on about" which isn't particularly helpful is assessing this anecdote)
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It's very strange that in some peoples minds, they must immediately seek to leap to the defence of somebody who shot a child by going after the victims and anyone who said nasty things about them.

First we had:
"His mother said" Gotta keep that sweet sweet gofundme grift going.


"Life threatening" injuries and yet he's got a ****** little bandage around his head, no ventilator, nothing. Use your brain a little, I know it's hard.

Appalling stuff IMO, though @C Kent did shut up when multiple posters pointed out that you can be discharged after 48 hours with even a severe head wound.

But then @Dis86 enters the fold. Not content with being massively wrong 6 months ago about this man who can't possibly have been a right-wing racist:

Apparently we shouldn't leap to conclusions about why an old white man might shoot a 16 year old black teenager through a door, for the crime of (checks notes) "Ringing a doorbell".

Prosecutors can't be trusted if they say there is a "racial element" as they are biased.
Grandsons can't be trusted if they support BLM (As many millions do/did) and whose unverified twitter profiles say they are satanists.

So lets trawl through social media to attack the messenger - There's a poor man sitting in a jail cell being called a racist online! And his only real crime was to shoot a child.

I did some trawling myself, which is bad as it just sinks me to your level, but I accept now I was wrong, this satanist guy is unchristian and evil:



Apparently we shouldn't leap to conclusions about why an old white man might shoot a 16 year old black teenager through a door, for the crime of (checks notes) "Ringing a doorbell".

Getting very tired of this act Vince.

You and your cohort have no sensible answers to provide when confronted with facts like the interacial homicide rate being around 12x high for black on white than the reverse (dont even get started on the black/ asian rate because it's far worse) and can't address extremely valid points/criticisms about your lot jumping to conclusions when you are presented with cases of black adults shooting white kids for no apparent good reasons or other old white cranks shooting white women for no good reason as well.

Prosecutors can't be trusted if they say there is a "racial element" as they are biased.

They need to be able to substantiate such claims if true. Not just make wild assertions because a black person has been shot by a white person. Again the facts do not support the assertions made about black people who are shoot by the police or other people in the US.

Blacks die in fewer cases when arrested by the police for violent offences (they just commit an awful lot more of them per capita) and as previously pointed out certainly aren't the 'victims' when it comes to interacial violence.

Grandsons can't be trusted if they support BLM (As many millions do/did) and whose unverified twitter profiles say they are satanists.

Like my fellow posters and I said from the start you are either a fool or scum if you support BLM (both the idea and the org).

The organisation has shown itself to be the griffting corrupt marxist organisation we always knew it to be and what has the idea done for the amount of black people killed in subsequent years and what has it done for calming racial tensions in the US?

...Its been an absolutely predictable disaster.

I did some trawling myself, which is bad as it just sinks me to THE SAME LEVEL AS CNN AND PEOPLE THAT UNCRITICALLY POST THEIR PROGANDA, but I accept now I was wrong, this satanist guy is unchristian and evil:

Fixed that for don't get to post some BS nonsence like that Lemon interview, that completly failed to substantiate the claims made for it and them whine when we look at the background of the person making the accusations and point out they are yet another lefty Marxist extremist
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You think everyone is a marxist.

The man studies business and his wife is a realtor. They don't sound like very Marxist things to do.

People publically denouncing their older relatives for perceived and not well substantiated 'wrong think' is very common in Marxist systems....

That and supporting Marxists organisations like BLM, antifa and ideas like defunding the police

....and re tweeting posts from activist accounts with hammer and sickles in their bios

Who simp for Stalin

It's really quite fascinating watching you credoulously accept the most vague and unfounded of accusations from some whilst casting so much shade on all the information undermining the credibility of their claims.

The man studies business and his wife is a realtor. They don't sound like very Marxist things to do.

Don't you remember the marxist t shirt wearing, molotov throwing Lawers that were locked up during the 'mostly peaceful' protests a while back?

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Just read in the metro today that a teenage boy in Kansas City is miraculously recovering, after ringing a doorbell at the wrong house. An 84 year old man shot him in the head. Didn't want to start a whole new thread when it's related to the US gun problems. Pretty sad that this stuff is happening tbh.
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