MS confirmed the exclusive has a duration of which we do not know the length except for guesswork, hell that duration could quite easily change too...
That means bugger all without context. That just means MS have a contract for TR to be exclusive for a length of time, there is absolutely no reason why it wouldn't just be expanded. Its likely just a get out clause for MS should the game flop.
It should still be considered an MS exclusive for as long as MS decide they want it to be, which if they are serious about the franchise and want it to span multiple games, will be years.
Also, if they do let the exclusivity expire, theres still no confirmation it will be on other platforms. It just says the contract means CD could release it on other platforms if they wanted, not that they specifically will.
Nope, as far as I'm concerned this is still an Xbox exclusive for the foreseeable future, and that makes me sad panda, but hey ho.
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