Yet they moan about lower sales.
It was released at a stupid time. Just Cause 3, Fallout 4 and other multi platform games had more interest from gamers.
Yet they moan about lower sales.
Just fired this up for another play through but it just crashes every time. I load into the menu and start the game and it goes to the loading screen then the sound crashes and loops and it returns to the Xbox dashboard ?
I have tried loading one of my saves but it does the same thing ?
Bit of a pain.
I had this, my save was corrupt, if you choose 'load game' instead of continue and hold LT+RT it will revert back to an old backup save (youw ill be a little back from where you are) but it should work OK and load up fine.
The bloom?
picked this up yesterday for PS4, really enjoyable as with the previous title however its being ruined by almost constant QTE's (thought they would have learned their lesson by now)
There wasn't many in the first one though, so I'm not sure how it's ruined by them.