Turn on and offable.
Thanks. How much of an impact does it have on fps and card memory on your current rig? I've only got a 1gb 6850 and I'm hoping it doesn't hog the lot.
Turn on and offable.
TressFX on NVIDIA:
EVERYTHING MAX @ 1920x1080, running on a EVGA 670 GTX FTW edition, standard clock.
With TressFX, average fps of 38
Without TressFX average fps of 49
So yea... HUGE impact for little gain on Nvidia
EDIT: Might move the game to my SSD... As I was noticing some slowdown and I would go as far as saying jittering so bring on a mechanical hdd might have some impact.
TressFX on NVIDIA:
EVERYTHING MAX @ 1920x1080, running on a EVGA 670 GTX FTW edition, standard clock.
With TressFX, average fps of 38
Without TressFX average fps of 49
So yea... HUGE impact for little gain on Nvidia
EDIT: Might move the game to my SSD... As I was noticing some slowdown and I would go as far as saying jittering so bring on a mechanical hdd might have some impact.
Need some comparisions on different GPUs to see what the impact of it is - but I suspect its fairly large as it is modelling 1000s of hair strands in realtime which is a fair workload I'd be suprised if it didn't come with a good 10-15% fps drop.
Post Processing usually has all the good effects in it (hence the heavy hit), disabling it will mean you miss out on a lot of the visual goodies.
Unlocked mine through a VPN, but it just hangs and crashed when I go to "Options" and if I just click Play, I get "Failed to initialise Direct3D with current settings"
common reported issue - untick 'exclusive fullscreen' apparently fixes this? according to Steam forums..