Tomb Raider Thread

TressFX on NVIDIA:

EVERYTHING MAX @ 1920x1080, running on a EVGA 670 GTX FTW edition, standard clock.

With TressFX, average fps of 38
Without TressFX average fps of 49

So yea... HUGE impact for little gain on Nvidia :(

EDIT: Might move the game to my SSD... As I was noticing some slowdown and I would go as far as saying jittering so bring on a mechanical hdd might have some impact.
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TressFX on NVIDIA:

EVERYTHING MAX @ 1920x1080, running on a EVGA 670 GTX FTW edition, standard clock.

With TressFX, average fps of 38
Without TressFX average fps of 49

So yea... HUGE impact for little gain on Nvidia :(

EDIT: Might move the game to my SSD... As I was noticing some slowdown and I would go as far as saying jittering so bring on a mechanical hdd might have some impact.

Hmmmm, that is big. It could be a driver issue though? Hopefully AMD are better optimised as it is their brainchild after all.
Need some comparisions on different GPUs to see what the impact of it is - but I suspect its fairly large as it is modelling 1000s of hair strands in realtime which is a fair workload I'd be suprised if it didn't come with a good 10-15% fps drop.
I'm getting straight 60fps with or without it at 720p on 7770 crossfire. It looks a bit off tho, maybe a crossfire issue. This game is definitely optimized for 7770 and above.
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TressFX on NVIDIA:

EVERYTHING MAX @ 1920x1080, running on a EVGA 670 GTX FTW edition, standard clock.

With TressFX, average fps of 38
Without TressFX average fps of 49

So yea... HUGE impact for little gain on Nvidia :(

EDIT: Might move the game to my SSD... As I was noticing some slowdown and I would go as far as saying jittering so bring on a mechanical hdd might have some impact.

What about if you put Depth of Field on low and Shadows lower settings? Depth of Field looks bad in most games i find...and impacts fps a lot usually.
Need some comparisions on different GPUs to see what the impact of it is - but I suspect its fairly large as it is modelling 1000s of hair strands in realtime which is a fair workload I'd be suprised if it didn't come with a good 10-15% fps drop.

Yes, it could have a big impact but this is like any new tech performance suffers as they either optimise for it, or hardware adapts to it and then we'll see advantages to having this type of tech..

TBH, 30fps or more for this type of game should be enough for most so provided it can maintain that type of performance and it looks convincing and doesn't stutter badly then i'd accept that..

direct compute is meant to favour AMD but I don't see why either gpu you are using to be any different, it'll get driver updates and hardware will if it takes off take advantage later on in its life..

Reports game looks very nice, tempted to get a vpn to have a sneak peak.. After Crysis 3, the hurt of seeing a powerful mobile GPU (7970m) just barely get 30fps for a maxed out game has now gone... lol so Im ready for Tomb Raider.. : - )
Ok, quick play around, TressFX is nice, but a big impact so no.

I wanted a stead 60fps, couldn't find any options that gave a nice increase, left all on max bar one option I hate in most other games.

Post processing. Came to this last as I knew it would give me a nice boost. Went from 48fps average to a SOLID 60fps limit with vsync...

Post processing kills this game. So yea, remove that.

Other than that, looks amazing! And no performance increase with a SSD :( Just better loading times.
Post Processing usually has all the good effects in it (hence the heavy hit), disabling it will mean you miss out on a lot of the visual goodies.
Just bought this from GMG. Not the cheapest but I am always happy with their service so why not support them?

I am in no hurry to play it either cause I will be in work until 11pm so by the time I get home and settled down it will be time to play it! Providing Steam Unlocks games at Midnight?!
Post Processing usually has all the good effects in it (hence the heavy hit), disabling it will mean you miss out on a lot of the visual goodies.

He wanted a solid 60fps, many do have a need for 60fps, its nice to get this but I do sometimes feel its not fully required for single player adventure type games like this..

I've played many games in the past and not even broke 25fps when on older hardware. I had to endure Dishonoured on a AMD 5650M it was 720p, low details and I managed, and I mean managed to just break 25fps sometimes, I enjoyed the game right to the end, and it was playable - just..!!

I got Crysis 3, 7970m which for me is the single powerful GPU I've ever owned. Pretty much maxed the game, then starting to tone down AA and turned some settings down from very high to high, ran in borderless window mode, no v sync got very good fps 30 - 45fps and the game was lovely to play, looked stunning.

so for me, if it gets 35fps maxed out - good enough for me.
Unlocked mine through a VPN, but it just hangs and crashed when I go to "Options" and if I just click Play, I get "Failed to initialise Direct3D with current settings"
Been doing some benchmarking to get decent FPS without lowering the gfx to much, i did get settle between normal and high settings, while i was doing the tests i noticed that the cpu usage never went above 35% so the game is GPU heavy.

PC Specs:
Intel i5 2500K
AMD 6870 (13.2 Beta6 driver)
DDR3 16GB @ 1600

Settings i went with


Those settings above got me,

Min: 27.2
Max: 50.6
Avg: 38.2

I did another run without TressFX

Min: 46.6
Max: 60.3 (FPS capped at 60)
Avg: 56.5
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So, somebody please put my tortured mind at ease, how does it control with a mouse & kb? Is the camera smooth/erratic when controlled with the mouse? Do many actions need to be assigned to lots of keys?
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