Tomb Raider Thread

Can't remember exact timing! :p Pretty sure I got it quickly enough after purchasing though.

Have used them before and never had any problems (except one time, but I think that was a problem on my end, think the browser messed up during the purchase)
I want to go back and replay this as I *think* I'm close to the end.

I have to say I have enjoyed it a lot, fantastic.
Can't remember exact timing! :p Pretty sure I got it quickly enough after purchasing though.

Have used them before and never had any problems (except one time, but I think that was a problem on my end, think the browser messed up during the purchase)

Decided to just get it from steam. Its downloading now :D One hour left :(
I've not really struggled with the quick time events, I think it's brilliant but very linear.

It would be quite good fun to have an entire Island to explore with lots of different caves / tombs a bit like Far Cry 3 and to make it more customiseable / Role Play-ish.
100% complete :) I've put around 20 hours in to it, though steam only says around 16 :\

Even though the fast travel map said all areas were 100% I managed to find another area that was not 100% complete. The cliff side bunker.
Gorgeous looking game, one of the best i'v ever seen.
Currently playing it 2560x1600 @ 60fps, everything on Ultimate.

Is Lara like Kim Bauer? A magnet to danger!

Liking the game so far. Yet again, impressed by my Intel 4000 - doesn't look good as the pic a few posts up but runs great @ 1280x1024 with medium settings. Will an OC'd 7950 overclocked be able to run it @ ultimate settings/1080p (with an overclocked 3570K and 16GBs or RAM)?
I'm running on ultra on a GTX580 at 1080p and its fine with everything except for when theres big open areas with stuff in the background its trying to render. Then I get quite a bit of framerate drop, but I think it might be more to do with the rest of my PC being old (Q6600 and 4GB DDR2).
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