Tommy Robinson quits the EDL

Oh great! Why don't we combat radical Islamists with hooliganism, chanting, and sociable fighting.

That's so passe and 20th century. Suicide bombings, stoning rape victims for adultery and throwing acid in the faces of school-girls who want to educate themselves is far more progressive. ;)
Check out the links I put up, I'm one of those who protests against Islamic ideology where children are abused and considered under Islamic law to be acceptable, just do a little research, the facts are there.

I will do. I'm not disagreeing with anti-extremism, but you come across as somewhat more than simply someone concerned about the well being of Muslims under Islamic law.
The fundamental problem with Tommy Robinson is that he's a stupid racist ****.

You insult the working class by associating them with him.

You've run out of arguments so can only resort to childish insults. It's sad that I have to repeat that it's not racist to be against Islamic extremism.

Whatever else, he's been the only person I can remember standing up for white working class people since Arthur Scargill.
You say that, but he's left his own party because he considers them not to be representative of his actual politic stance.

I don't quite see what it has to do with the white working class, but if you say he's specifically standing up for white people only, then I'd consider that to be somewhat racist.
WOW putting a lady in the ground ready to stone her is called "domestic violence" by you two
god I'd hate to see the state of your GF\wife after you had a tiff. Anyone who hits a child or women should be shot.

Surely you see the hilarious irony of that last statement? :confused:

If the EDL does lose its way another group will just fill in the void. The fundamental issues which led to their formation and growth of support haven't gone away.
What is your point?

The following statement:

Gilly said:
Any extremism that impinges upon the civil liberties of others should be stamped out wherever it is seen (and this includes right wing fanatics such as the BNP, EDL and the NF).

Effectively you want to stamp out the civil liberties of the likes of the EDL, NF, BNP because you don't agree with their stance. Not affording them the civil liberties you claim are important.
The first link was about domestic violence he provided, the comment was in response to that.

Also, domestic violence can include beating a women to death (which is as bad) - not to mention killing women & children isn't something exclusive to any religion minority.

WTF "domestic violence can include beating a women to death (which is as bad)"
which is bad! what religion are you?

Lol, no. All i'm saying is that it is abuse. I don't hit people unless they attack me. UNDERSTAND?

Oh the keyboard warrior pfff
So you do hit women and kids as you said "I don't hit people unless they attack me" wimp
Effectively you want to stamp out the civil liberties of the likes of the EDL, NF, BNP because you don't agree with their stance. Not affording them the civil liberties you claim are important.

No. We want to prevent them inciting hatred and violence against Muslims who have done nothing wrong. I despise religion, but I could never agree that a all minority is representative of the majority.
Surely you see the hilarious irony of that last statement? :confused:

No matter what a women or your child does to you you must never ever hit back.
Those men who do should get a good kicking like they did when I was young.
No. We want to prevent them inciting hatred and violence against Muslims who have done nothing wrong. I despise religion, but I could never agree that a all minority is representative of the majority.

Yet this is done when the boot's on the other foot. It seems perfectly acceptable to label all EDL members are racist thugs based on the actions of a few. It's OK to say all bankers are greedy scum because a few clearly are.

I agree that you shouldn't judge everyone based on the actions of a few, but usually when people say that they are talking about specific groups (Muslims, feminists etc) but then hypocritically do the same thing when it suits their political agenda.
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